Chapter 40 : Near

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i breath out shivering as tears silently rolled down my cheeks from the agony as i limped in pain along the sidewalk now and then stoping because it was unbearable and there was nothing exept of the old streetlights to hold or support myself on

my bottom was hurting and hurting like hell making pain shoot through both of my thighs it felt like being stabbed, despite that the streets were empty and it was so so so so cold. with my legs shaking from the pain and the cold as one of my foot is still broken and swollen turning to blue .i trembled, stumbled along the way holding and supporting myself on everything that passed me .

i pulled the blanket tighter around my naked body looking behind me to check for probably the hundredth time if someone was following me .

this time however, i tripped when i looked foreward again and landed on my forearms
wrists and elbow. causing them to pain again aswell as my foot. my stupid fucking foot .

i slowly got up again standing on my good foot . when i suddenly hear something approaching .
something getting louder .
and louder .

my heart started beating as fast as it could as my breath speed up and i started rushly limping away . but i was too slow and it was so close .

falling back down i watched in horror as a car past me on the streets .

it was just a car .
it was just a car .
calm down..

i blinked swollowing and getting carefully up again . i looked around still feeling anxious . as i saw a shadow flying past me .
i saw a bat haunting the flies under the lights of the streets .

i saw a cat running over the street .lights turning off from afar . and i cant believe how terrified i felt whenever i noticed something around me ..

i'm scared and i just wanted someone with me .

{♡}-{-}-{-}-{-}{             }♢{♢}♢{♢}♢{♢}




dring dring
dring dring
dring dring
i turned my alarm off rather startled because i almost fell off my chair.

i've been sitting in the diner since i got the letter . so literly after it closed.
luckily i still had the keys because krystal wanted me to continue working here so bad that she didnt even tell me to give the keys back .

i flinched again my head turning to the kitchen as i heard a sound
as if something fell over .

swollowing i got up from my chair holding the tennis racket up. i mean i didnt know what was going to happen when i come here so i had to bring something to defend myself with .

steadily yet carefully i walked towards the doors that lead to the kitchen .

,, h-hello ?" i asked in a shaky whisper more .well excuse me but it is dark outside and i am alone in a big big place with noises coming from the kitchen !

when no answer came and i heard something shift, i decided to open the door.

my breath hitched and my eyes widened at what i saw .

,, k-kyungsoo ?"

his huge terrified eyes landed on me making me swollow.

i let the tennis racket fall and rushed towards him. he started crying as he stretched his arms foreward reaching for me. and i pulled him close to me hugging him with all my might. i felt the tears in my own eyes when he sobbed into my shirt and i just helplessy stared at the wall behind him and in front of me.

he was so damn skinny ..
and naked exept for the dirty blanket he had around him . his body was shaking so badly and his sobbs where raspy almost like he had no voice left .it sounded painful .

i cant believe he's back right now.. i cant believe i'm holding him again .
and i cant believe that something this bad has happened to him .
thats probably the biggest question

what happened ?

after a while i loosened my hold as he started coughing rather violetly and i didnt have an inhaler here so he needed to calm down .
,, sh sh .. its ok .. its ok " he took fast breaths. as if he was running a marathon so i cupped his face stroking the tears away with my thumbs hoping it would calm him
,, kyungsoo "

he sniffed meeting my eyes with his unfocused once and i was about to say something again when he turned his head and then pointed towards the fridge with his shaking hand .

i knew what he wanted so i held him close to me again and moved towards the fridge as he didnt want to let go of me .

opening the fridge he moved away from me .not letting my arm go tho as he grabbed a fanta bottle almost letting it fall because it was too heavy for him .luckily i could grabb his hand and help him hold it .

i opened the bottle and he lowerd himself into my arms again as he took it .drinking as much as he could, despite his heavy breathing bits of fanta rolled down his chin because he was drinking too fast .

i was kinda lost not knowing how to handle this situation iwas still shocked and my heart hurt seeing him like this ..

i was about to stand up and get my phone from the table to call 911 or someone but kyungsoo didnt let me .

he released a sound of distress close to a desperate whine before he held onto me letting the fanta dropp and it pooled on the ground .

i gasped and quieckly grabbed it placing it to the side .
,, ok ok .. i'm here .. i'm not leaving ok ." i calmed him before pulling him away from the pool of fanta as the blanket around him was already soaked in it.

and all of the sudden he cough again more chocked panting and i paniced rubbing over his back .
but he just continued leaning forewards . as he clutched his stomach squeezing his eyes .

he fully leaned foreward and started puking . but his puke was almost clear as if it was just water with little bis of food
and it was so terrifying.

not knowing what to do i continued comforting him holding him close i felt him stop and he leaned back into my hold taking ragged breaths as he squeezed my shirt ,his eyes dropping . and i couldnt handle this .

he looked so drained and hurt he needs to get to the hospital .

gently i slipped my hands under his knees and back and his head fell limply back as i got up with him but when i steadied him pulling him by his back closer to me he winced leaning his forehead against my neck. he almost curled up into a ball in my arms . probably searching the warmth .

i rushed out of the kitchen and grabbed my phone as i dialed seungsoos number since he was the closest to the krystal coffee .

i know short but i'm updating daily so please show mercy 😅😙

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