Chapter 12 : The wrong person

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[ kyungsoo loving jongins face ^^]



the sounds of all the fucking lockers closing was about the most annoying thing ever .everyone around me talked laughed .the couple just a few lockers away from me were kissing and touching each other madly and it made me grimace at people not having any privacy .

i cough into my hand feeling my head spin again as i just wanted to sit down for a moment.

the couple walked away and i stared at the place they used to be when suddnedly baek appeard from the distance .. he laughed with chanyeol and the others and once he caught me looking at him his smile disappeard and he frowned confused yet shocked .
thats when i remeberd my stupid blue eye .. shit .

quieckly i turned away and closed my locker with my books in my hand i started walking towards my class but the dizziness didnt fully disappeard and soon all the sounds around me went silent and the only thing i could hear were my heavy breaths .

my eyelids fell and i expected to fall but before i could hit the ground .a hand grabbed my elbow pulling me back and steadying me as my eyes shot open again .

,, kyungsoo ?" it was baek now standing in front of me . but i didnt answer looking at the ground not only to balance myself but also to not let him see my blue eye fully under the hoodie i woukd have used my glasses to hide it aswell but i long lost them .

,, kyungsoo i already saw it .. what happened ? are you ok?"
no baek i'm not fucking ok .

i nodded still not opening my mouth .

,,kyungie .. i'm sorry for-"
,, baek !" chanyeol called from the other side and i tried hard not to sigh in front of him .

,, i'm not mad at you neither am i blaming you baek . you love chanyeol and i completly understand that. you dont have to come around anymore " not that he has been tho but i knew why ,chanyeols friends probably wont accepct baek if he kept hanging around me
,, i'm ok baek only this year and another then college comes right? and then maby we can contact again .. you know where to find me " i smiled for the first time honest in a while towards him . i was willing to wait because he's a friend you wont found around every coner .and he has done enough for me to get something for himself now .

,, thanks .." he smiled back at me ,, but they didnt beat you did they .. because of youre .."

,, no i was attacked by some thiefs its ok .. dont worry "

he still looked at me suspicious but i just hugged him
,, they're waiting for you " i told him and he nodded kinda sad .

he didnt turn to go away tho so i did for him . i turned the other way and started walking the best i could .i kinda regret that i hugged him now because my back was hurting like crazy again .

suddnenly baek appeard in front of me and i frowned confused .
,, bae-"

,, what if i want to spend the break with you ?" he smiled at me but looked the other way saving his pride .

,, but what about chanyeol and the others?" i looked at him and he sighed .

,, acualy i dont like them i'm only around them because of channie .. i dont care about the ranks anymore i've come to him because i love him and if he loves me then he will come to me aswell " he said confident and i smiled at that even tho it hurt when he layed an arm around me
,, so .. lets talk .. i've been hearing some stuff lately ." his smirk made my smile disappear again . what did he hear .

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