Chapter 41 : Finally broken

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,, and with one corn
one magical corn , a forest further than a simple eye could see, a forest that had more animals, fruits than they could have dreamed of .
together the young couple build a house receaving 3 lovely little children before they lived happily ever after ."
she closed the book and my eyes were closed mainly because i was tired yet i didnt sleep i just listened .and i didnt need to see to know that she was smiling now .

i felt her lips on my forehead before she whisperd softly
,, goodnight babysoo"

slowly , carefully i opened my eyes just a little gape .
i wanted to swollow as i closed my eyes again and it was hard . my throat felt completly dry and swollowing the bit of spitt i had only caused pain . everything pained to be exact .

i couldnt help but wonder why i wasnt dead already.
i couldnt help but wonder why death couldnt just fucking put me out of my misery .

taking another breath i felt something stick up in my nose . oh great those tubes again ..

,, kyungsoo " a gentle voice made me blink and open my eyes more to the half .
,, baby, can you hear me ? " another voice . even softer and kinda comforting as i also felt a warm hand on top of mine stroking the thumb over mine but it felt weird.there was probably a bandage around my hand

,, kyungie?" another louder voice .. shaky voice.

so i decided to look more up finding it hard tho, thats until a warm hand appeard on my cheek pushing my head gently and slowly into the right direction and i instandly spotted jongin sitting on the chair besides my bed  seungsoo standing behind him and baek being besides him but why are they here ?

baek started smiling brightly
,, omg hes awak!-"
,, keep it down would you !?" jongin whisper yelled ..

jongin ..

j-jongin .

jongin .

jongin .

my breath came out ragged as my eyes squinted slightly while tears formed and overfilled my eyes before a raspy sob escaped my lips .

,, sh shhh .. its ok .you're safe now ok, dont worry " i fucking missed jongins voice so much yet it hurts to still hear him talk to me so sweetly when i know that he's now belonging to someone else because i was too fucking stupid to fix my life .he didnt love me anymore . only yixing did but he was now gone too .

i wish i didnt survive . i wish i would have just disappeard everything was fine when i was gone . baek had chanyeol and jongin had krystal , seungsoo was about to live his own life. and i had someone who loved me hard enough to not let me go .but i didnt love him back enough . i ran away . i betrayed him  i betrayed yixing .

starting to sobb uncontrollingly i just reached my shaking hands slowly out to him and he instandly came closer hugging me
and i just let it out ignoring the sounds in the background. ignoring that baek, seungsoo and chanyeols now faint appearing voices were also there . ignoring that there were a few more people entering the room .
i ignored the pain
because i had long
decided to let go .

i had long accepted that i'm now finally broken.

{-}-{-}-{-}-{-}-{            }♢{♢}♢{♢}♢{♢}♢

seeing kyungsoo in this state was more than heartbreaking .
it was torture .and knowing that i couldnt do anything to help him was even worse .

i was watched him sleep again after he fell asleep while crying in my arms . that bastard that did that to him will pay, he will fucking pay for doing this to him. its his fault that my baby was in a  coma for 2 more weeks . its his fault that kyungsoo is hurting like this.

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