Chapter 63 : Massage

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,, so how does this work ?" he looked at the controller and every bottom quite confused .

,, wait i'll show you " he probably has never heard or shown interesst in those games and playstations and whatever and i couldnt blame him sice he has had bigger problems than games .

i plugged the playstation into the tv and into the outlet .

before going back to him having my own controller as it already appeard on the tv.
,, ok wait let me set the game "

he waited patiently looking onto my fingers as i set it all up .
it was a racing game with cute little cars and effects .

,, ok see this bottom " i moved his thumb to be on the joystick moving around and making him giggle cutely
,, you control wherr the car will drive and with this " i continued moving his other finger onto a bottom ,, you shoot when you collect a bubble,
you can see what you got down there " i pointed to the edge of the tv .and he nodded
,, and dont forget to press that bottom" i moved his index finger from his other hand onto the bottom on the back ,, if you dont press it you cant drive "

he nodded again looking all over the bottoms as i explained the rest.

shortly after we started playing .
he wasnt bad for his first time , he ended up as the one before the last one but he kept hitting me because i was the last one .

we did play a lot, a lot of rounds because he was so determant to be under the 3 first ones and i found it cute how he concentrated on it biting both of his lips as he switched his glances from the controller to the tv.

but then after a lot of rounds he acually made it. being the second one and i was the third one .
he cheerd leaning sideways against me .

i chuckled at him
,,what a champion "

,, always " he laughed as i layed the controller down and bowed towards him, however did he stop when he noticed the time
,, oh god its already half past 4 pm we spent almost the whole day on this game ! "

,, calm down that happens a lot of times when you get into the game to much " i chuckled moving closer to him to give him a quieck peek before i stood up again
,, but we should get your medicine before we forget it "

he nodded rather sadly .. i knew he didnt like this topic. i didnt too but it was important .

i grabbed his pills and got a glass of water noticing how the can is almost empty .. i have to buy new once on monday .

returning to him i handed the glass and the pills to him.

he took it and as he put the first pill into his mouth i turned away wanting to clean the cans of the table when i just had to suddenly trip over my feet.

if that wasnt enough i had to fall foreward like a fucking fish jumping out of the aquarium .

i heard a small laughing in the back and i got up rubbing my chin as my eyes fell onto kyungsoo who was bend foreward holding his mouth as he laughed. this made me smile he was adorable.

however did my smile disappear as he leaned back and started coughing . drinking the water piece after a piece and i got up to approach him .
,, you ok ?" i still chuckled faintly

but he suddenly made that scrunched up face wanting to drink more water but his glass was empty.
he cough again standing up and walking past me to get to the kitchen so i followed .

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