Chapter 2 : My Chances

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i couldnt believe that i felt acually happy once school was done .
the talk with jongin somehow stayed in my head  and i couldnt stop thinking about him for the next couple of classes .i wonderd if he would still think about me too or if i was already forgotten
it wouldnt surprise me if that was the case tho

what made me think the most was what jongin had said , i dont know but one thing was for sure
it seems like it wasnt all as perfect as i imagened .it sounded more like jongin was tired of it aswell .
wich meant that jongin probably wasnt that much of an asshole as the others if he realy meant it   . or am i just imagening this
because i want it to be like that ? because i literly only had a talk for no more than 5 minutes and start judging him .

,, you've been smiling a lot " baekhyun appeard out of nowhere and i teard my eyes away from the diner door .

yes i had been thinking about that idiot on the way here and when i got dressed into my working clothes and even when i stood here taking orders .and serving-

,, shit " i cursed as i saw the plates that were suppose to be served .
baekhyun only chuckled as i moved around serving the plates .that i forgot

once i was done i returned to my original spot behind the counter .

,,thanks for the help by the way" i panted lightly and he smiled apologic making me smile slightly aswell .

,, so what have you been spacing out about ?" he moved his eyebrows in a weird rhythm that now made me smile weirded out .

but it quick faded as one of the customers looked at me signalising that he probably wanted to pay .
,, hold on "

i walked over to the costumer and gave him the bill as i took the money .and said my goodbyes .before i returned to baekhyun once again .raising my eyebrows for him to continue

,, so as i was saying-"
,, wait another second .. em could you step to the side?" i smiled apologic as i saw a costumer entering and waiting to order.
i took the menu and walked over to her.
,, hello .. welcome, would you like to order drinks already ?" i asked politly giving her a smile

,, yes i'd like an orange jongin "

my heart stoped and i looked at her ,as my smile faded. with my eyebrows almost meeting each other in the middle .did i hear correctly??
,, w-what?"

she chuckled
,, i said i'd like to have a orange juice "

oh my god am i being serious right now
,, oh y-yeah yes ofcorse sorry " chuckling nervously i returned to behind the counter and filled a glass with juice .

but about that .. am i going crazy now ? i shock my head and blinked severel times until the glass was filled and i walked past baekhyun to place it on the table with the woman .as i got a pen and something to write out .
,,what would you like to order ?"

taking her orders i walked back once more .feeling how baekhyun was still following me .
moments like those realy made me feel bad .because i realy like spending time with my best friend but in school we cant and not even here we can.

i mentally groaned when i saw a guy finished with eating wich meant he probably wanted to pay.

so i started to walk again

another costumer enters and i grabbed the menu .ringing the bell as i hung the paper with the order for yixing the cook onto the little window to the kitchen .

,, i'm realy sorry baekhyun i'll be there in a sec." i said in a sorry tone as i continued walking around .

it was tiring but at least the costumers were nice .and the thought of yixing .working just as hard in the kitchen somehow gave me strenght because that meant that i wasnt the only one .

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