Chapter 14 : Kim jongin

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[ jongin shocked from kyungsoos beauty ]

hey ho i'm jongin .kim jongin .
thats right the hottie in school as some would say ..but the truth is .
i realy reealy dont care .

all those stupid girls on the side they dont like me or are attracted to me well some of them might are but i bet more than half of them just act like it to belong to a group or something . they want to be
relatable .and its annoying .

i always hang out with chanyeol and sehun sometimes all tho that guy is always sick not wanting to go to school . ever since cjanyeol met baekhyun we were always 3 people,he had a guy named luhan with him but since that guy then met sehun both of them are soemhwere else only god knows ..

then there was also yoona and krystal with her cool cheerleader group and xiumin and hongbin .. i dont like them at all but they always come to us and its also annoying .

even more since resently baek had left us alone with those idiots. i dont know where he is he said that a friend needed him now more .so we kinda just let him knowing baek hes a good friend .

oh i almsot forgot .we werent realy that alone ever since seungsoo came along . i know him now since a few weeks .we kinda have a fairytale likely story. where i met him at the ball we danced and then after searching and dying for so long i met him again in the bathroom . i managed to fall for him in only one week .and that without knowing his name neither his looks then .

i was so glad when he finally decided to tell me who he was and what his name was .
i felt happy but ...

i guess it wasnt realy the way i dreamed it to be .

i mean .. i dont even know how to explain him .he seemed .. different .
i mean i knew that i didnt exacly know him that well but i didnt expect those sides of him. it sounds rediculous .stupid even but when i saw him at the ball i felt like sparks were flying around inside of me same as when i touched his too cold hand .

but when i look at him now in front of me .i feel nothing .and his hands were simply normal .its good that they arent as cold as they were but still i cant help but feel a little disappointed .

but i was afraid to talk to him about it .because i love him right ? and he felt scared to show me himself because this might have happened so i cant just come up to him and say that i didnt feel it anymore .

i hid those feeling for weeks and mounths .now it was cold winter had started when everything finally changed . over those time we did nothing but hold hands and kiss all the time .

i didnt mention that the kisses seemed fake .forced not only by me but also by him .he seemed to have never time for me outside of school or dance practise .but i always have to have time for him whenever he wants to go out or shopping or whatever i felt more and more like just some doll he can present to the others and tell them how cool he was because he had a boyfriend like me .

i missed the old seungsoo ...


,, and she was holding me up along with josie so i tried to somehow get my balance but-
... -she- .. -up- .. -fall-.. -haha- .. totally" i yawned not even listening to what seungsoos brilliant story was .

i looked at chanyeol who was sharing the same expression as me .i smirked slightly because he looked like he was about to murder seungsoo .woops the giant noticed me .he smiled aswell and imitated seungsoo .we both tried hard not to laugh right now .
thats until a loud slamming of the locker made us all turn our heads towards the other end of the hall .not far from us .

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