Chapter 9 : Ok

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trash .


i stared at the thick black letters on my locker. as i opened it grabbing my cloth, thats been too dirty by now . sighing i didnt bother to clean the letters off .tommorrow theres gonna be something new written on anyway.
i just cleared my throat standing straight and inhaled air .

yes i had been coughing a lot again . i dont know whats wrong i thought it was just a cold and it was gone now .but it seemed to have returned and its getting worse. at nights i would wake up coughing into my hand so much that i literly had to catch for air. and i'm starting to feel weaker than ever,i sometimes even fall asleep in class. and dont get me started on mornings i am always dizzy. and sweating so much.

i realy hope that this stops soon because its annoying and making the days harder .

,, t-r-a-sh .. wow finally someone wrote youre name right " the sickening laughs of yoona echoes through the halls .

i hate this .. i realy do .
so without any more words i just closed the locker after getting my books and walked away .

the whole day went on that awful i felt like shit and ignoring all their annoying laughs and the things they throw at me in class has been getting harder and harder .i felt so reliefed when the bell rang and it meant break .

since baekhyun has been .. not there anymore i could go back to the back of the school building again ... i havent been there since ages . i was more locked into one of the toilets since going to the back of the school would only remind me off the ball and make me all depressed again .. but now i realy want to remember again .

my heart probabyl stoped once i reached the door and was about to go out .but as soon as i opened the door .. i saw him . Sitting there .jongin was sitting there alone .. with an apple in his hands. the apples of the tree i used to get .

i just kinda stared at his back .was he acually still thinking about it ? did he remember the time we talked the first .. did he know that it was the same person !?

suddendly he turned around and i gasped. hitting the door to my side wich was still closed and my bag fell to the ground as i layed my hands onto my hoodie to be sure it hid my face .i could see him tho .i could see him through the glasses the hair and the hoodie that ended just obove my eyes .

i could see his eyes widen aswell and the apple fall .

,, hey!" he called out to me and i didnt hesitate when i grabbed my bag and started running away .hearing his calls behind me .
,, wait! "

i just turned around the coner and rushed into the bathroom locking myself into one of the cabinets .

the door to the bathroom opened and i stepped onto the toilet holding my breath with a hand on my mouth .

,, hey .." he started in a sigh and my heart played drums with my ripcage .i felt another coughing fit coming up and teard up as i tried to hold it back .
,, i know you're in there " he said surprisendly soft .

so i removed my hand from my mouth and blinked waiting for him to continue .
i heard him shifting and he probably sat down onto the ground behind the door between us .

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