Chapter 67 : I lived for you, live for me

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my eyes opened slowly to the familar sound that i knew just to well.




it sounds like the hospital...
i turned my head at that thought letting my eyes fall onto a fallen asleep jongin with a blanket over him ,

oh , .. it is the hospital .

so i turned the other way tiredly glancing up at sojoon who was smiling at me and i could have sworn my heart almost stopped when i saw baekhyun and chanyeol being cuddled up together on the other chairs further to the wall .

why are they here ,how did they get here so fast .

,, sh sh sh calm down " i looked at sojoon who was holding me down to the bed and thats when i felt the tubes in my nose again . this time however did i feel a lot more . something in my chest tubes and stupid other things going into my chest and needles in my hands .

i swollowed leaning back still confused and shocked over this situation i was in jongins arms thats the last thing i rememberd ,he held my hand and helped me drink the tea when he stood up and i suddenly felt so tired .

,, kyungsoo " he whisperd again and i looked at him, he smiled weakly however were his eyes sad and he laid his hand onto my shoulder .with a shaky sigh.

exacly when he did that exacly then i knew that this was going to be the last time that i'm in the hospital .
my time is coming to an end i guess .

,, h-how long was i out ?" my voice was a bit horase and quiet and sojoons hand landed on mine now before he took a deep breath and answerd

,, a week .. 8 and a half day "

i breath out shakingly and in shock looking over to chanyeol and baekhyun before staring at jongin .
,, how l-long did they g-give me ?" i couldnt help the tears in my eyes .

he breath out and i guessed he rubbed over his face but i only stared at jongins peaceful sleeping expression

,, like 2 weeks from now on, they said you would probably slip into an even deeper coma until the mashines are the only thing keeping you alive .." he explained and i turned my hand on which jongin had his .

2 weeks .. thats all .

2 weeks to say goodbye to everyone ? to baekhyun ,chanyeol and sojoon  and jongin ? i dont want to go like this .. i dont want to slowly slip away wih everyone watching me .

i wish i had died by jumping . at least there i felt ready for it but i wasnt ready for it like this
.on the other hand tho ,if i had jumped then i would have died in belief that jongin cheated which he didnt .what am i suppose to tell jongin .. i knew him too well . i know hes gonan trt everything ,i have to make hi. promise me not to do something stupid !

krystal was at jongins house too . she explained everything and i even felt sorry for her just like i felt stupid because of how much i distrusted him and didnt even listen to him .

,, you should sleep more , they're gonna freak out when they found out you finally woke up " he chuckled weakly pulling the blanket more over me.

he didnt have to tell me that twice be ause i already feltmy eyes dropling but i was somehow afraid i wouldnt wake up for longer again and waste th time that was left so unconciously i squeezed jongins hand despredly as if i was acually afraid i would lose him when i close mt eyes. or should i say i would leave him .
,,sojoon " i called him again and he raised his eyebrows looking at me .
,, promise me to not let jongin give me his heart, dont let any of you give me your heart " no one will come to harm because of me .

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