chapter 6 : Convinced?

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[ ahahaha look at kyungsoo getting all flusterd when jongin looked at him so intensly uhhh❤ ]

a few more days pass and the ball is now in 2 days wich meant that baek was getting realy realy annoying .and i'm starting to get nervous because i kinda want to go to the ball but i'm just scared that people might find out that its me and then they will all laugh again and i realy dont want that to happen

,, kyungiiiee !" baek enterd the diner as always and i sigh knowing that he wants to convince me to going to the ball .

,, hey baek .." i gave him a weak smile and he sat down in front of the counter resting his head on his hands as he looked at me like a pleading puppy .
,, please dont talk about the ball again "

,, oh come on i know you want to go i dont get what youre problem is "  i chuckle at his pouting face, coughing right after

my back was still hurting .but its gotten better . i wrapped an old bandage around my back over stomach and chest .it sounds weird because it was kinda squeezing the bruises but it helped me feel as if i'm a little protected in case i fell or something it also made me not move too move .such as bending down and stuff so that helped too .

i moved my hand over my mouth clearing my throat .
yes i am a little sick too .big surprise .its just a cold tho so nothing serious but coughing and feeling totally like shit .plus my voice is a little .. lets say more ugly than before .

,, and you're still sick" he groaned and i chuckled once more going around the counter to clean some tables, today werent realy many customers here  so that was a good thing right .

,, but you at least drank some water this morning ?"

,, yes i did mummy "

,,good " he smiled and followed my movement with his eyes ,,so about the ball .. "

,, beck i'm done talking about that stupid ball why on earth is it so important to you? you have a date already and friends there why do you want me to be there ?"

baekhyun sighed at that walking towards me and sitting down on the the table wich i am currently cleaning  ,, just-"
he couldnt even finish talking because the door opened and chanyeol walked in with yoona and jongin .
,, shit "
they were visiting this diner moretimes now because chanyeol had attended that stupid danceclub or whatever which was close and .. jongin was there too i think that was what baek tried to tell me when they first visited the diner .

yes it has been hard because i was always battling with myself when they are here .thinking that i should thank him for bringing me to the nurse the other day .but i'm just a fucking pussy wich means i cant . besides that .i dont even think he recognizes me .or even sees me if it wasnt for yoona who kept making jokes about me.

at least i have kinda gotten used to them so i as always just got over there and took their orders as always not meeting any of their eyes .especially jongins .
i was about to walk away when that man on the other table left and i cleaned his table while i just happened to catch a few words of them talking .

jongin said something about money and parents .also that he wanted a job making chanyeol laugh at him .
but that was all i catched as i had to move back to the counter where baek still was .
and listened to his outfit ideas for the ball .
ball here ball there its everywhere .


and 2 days later it acually was time .its weekend .. again which meant the worst time of the entire week , dont even ask me how i get through the holidays oh boy, oh boy .

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