!!!! WARNINGS !!!!

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this book contains

- rape
- blood &gore
- torture
- depression
- selfharm
- suicide
- suicide thoughts
- anorexia
- mature use of language

- an illness is mentioned and i'm sorry if i offended anyone by writting bullshit about it .

( pictures and media may come later than the rest )

I wrote this book a long time ago paused and then continued writing it. After it resurfaced in my drafts (lierally)

The writting isn't that great sometimes (english isnt my first language too)

Also please take notice this story is just like most stories written for entertainment.

I'm no professional and therefore just speculating about the behavior and feelings of the affected characters aswell as what concerns the mentioned illness I literally only collected my knowledge of from Google.

Though I do have to prepare you beforehand. I did write this story when I was mentally going through a tuff time and durning the end some incidents are based on true happenings so please be considerate (nasty/inapproriate comments will be deleted because this is not something I want to be fetishized

If you need help this is not an example of how you should handle your problems, how they will turn or should turn out.

International Helphotlines
are in my " about "

[ update june 2021 : I'm currently rewriting this book & will update a chapter for further information once it's done so I can do daily updates without pressure ]

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