Chapter 1: Awakening

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*Y/n POV*

I flew through the skies, S/n was right behind me. We were racing to see who could get the the whirlpool islands first.

Of course, I would be the only one who could enter, since she can't go underwater to go in.

"I'm going to win!" I yelled.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!"

She flew faster, charging ahead of me. I smiled, then I zoomed ahead, tying with her.

We ended up tying, flying above the whirlpool islands.

"Good race, Bro." She said

"You're getting faster." I replied, "One day you'll beat me."

She laughed, "Maybe, one day."

{Flashback Over}

*Third Person POV*

Salem watched the god of the seas in front of her, as Watts hooked up his machine.

"You're sure this will wake him?" She asked.

"Most definitely," Watts replied, "Now, as for if he'll be in our control, that's a little more unpredictable."

Salem waved her hand, "We'll deal with that when it comes to it."

Watts hooked up one more wire, "Okay. The machine is ready."

Salem walked over to a control panel, which was connected to all the other wires.

She began to press buttons and flick switches, as the machine came to life. The dials began to glow, lights lit up, and the whole machine began to shake.

Watts watched the machine, but Salem ignored it. She watched, as nothing happened.

"Nothing is happen-"

She was cut off by the machine exploding. The wires went flying, and then there was a loud roar.

They both looked at the waterfall, as the silhouette had glowing red eyes.

"Oh my Oum," Watts said, "He's awake."

"Finally," Salem said, "Come to your master."

The best uncurled, and his silhouette was staring at them. He let out another cry, then flew out of the waterfall. He hovered above them, apparently listening. Though, something was wrong. Rather than blue and white, he was purple, and had glowing red eyes.

"Go!" Salem yelled, "Destroy the humans, starting with Beacon Academy!"

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"Go!" Salem yelled, "Destroy the humans, starting with Beacon Academy!"

He let out one more cry, then went deeper into the cave, diving into one of the ponds. Inside, there was a cave he could use to escape.

"My queen," Watts said, "I never question you, but do you really think this is a good idea?"

Salem looked at him, chuckling, "In truth, no. This is a terrible idea, especially if his sister's descendants are still around."


"Yes. Ho-oh, guardian of the skies."

*Iris POV*

Ruby, Yang, and I were walking through the halls, talking about things that had happened lately.

"So, Iris," Yang said, "Any new boys you got your eyes on?"

I laughed, Yang always liked to tease me because a lot of boys like me.

"No, no one yet." I said.

"That's good," She said, "Dad would probably kill them."

We all laughed, as we walked into the courtyard. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, and then fast winds and rain began to come.

"Where'd this storm come from?!" Ruby asked.

"I don't know!" Yang said.

"Let's get inside!" I said.

We ran back inside, and Ozpin and Goodwitch were there.

"This storm is insane." Goodwitch said.

"I have not seen a storm this bad in years." Ozpin said.

"Really? What happened the last time a storm this bad came?" I asked.

"Its not what happened," He said, "Its what causes it."

"What are you talking about?" Yang asked.

"These storms are similar to ones that happened years ago," He explained, "During the last storm, people reported that they saw a massive beast flying through the skies. They said it looked similar to a god in ancient texts."

"Woah." Ruby said.

Weiss and Blake walked up to us, as we talked about the storm.

Suddenly, I heard another student say, "What is that!?"

We all looked outside, and saw a massive beast flying through the skies, it's eyes glowing red.

"Lugia..." I heard Ozpin say under his breath.

The beast flew down and landed on the ground, then began to glow. He transformed into a human form of it.

He held up his hand, and a ball of energy began to charge in his hand

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He held up his hand, and a ball of energy began to charge in his hand. He launched the ball, and it flew at us, but we ducked into the building. It exploded, blowing up to ground around the exit.

"Professor, what is that?" I asked Ozpin.

He looked me in the eyes, "That is an ancient god. Lugia. Although, there is something wrong with him."

"What?!" Yang asked.

"That thing is going to kill us all if we don't do something!" Weiss yelled.

"Only one person can beat him," Ozpin said, "The descendant of the ancient god of the skies, Ho-oh."

"Who is the descendant?!" Ruby asked, "And where are they?!"

Ozpin looked me in the eyes, "Iris, you are the only one who can save the world. Please, you just have to believe me."

I looked him in the eyes, then to my sisters. I flashed a thumbs up, and a confidant smile.

"Don't worry guys!" I said, "I'll be right back!"

I left the building, and stood in the courtyard, some distance between me and Lugia. He noticed me and turned.

He let out a cry and we both got into fighting stances.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now