Chapter 75: Of The

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*Iris POV*

I heard something coming from behind, and turned to see Ruby running at me at full speed. She stopped short in front of me, panic showing on her face.

"IRIS!" She yelled, "Yveltal is here! And Yang is working for him! We have to evacuate the school and help Y/n!"

"Wait, what?" I asked, "Ruby, what's going on?"

There was an explosion in the courtyard, and we both ran out to the open. Yang was firing fire dust out of her gauntlets, lighting the whole school ablaze.

"Oh my Arceus," I exclaimed, "Ruby, go get Ozpin. Help every one get out of here."

"What are you going to do?!" She asked.

My sword appeared and I grabbed it, the guard's eyes lighting bright red.

"My mother started this fight," I said, "I'm going to finish it."

I jumped out into the courtyard, holding my sword at my side as I ran. I dragged the sword along the ground as I ran, creating sparks as it scratched against the concrete. This also attracted Yang's attention of the students she was terrorizing and towards me.

She smirked, her eyes glowing red. She launched a chunk of fire dust towards me, and I sliced it in half with my sword. It exploded in my face, but the heat didn't hurt in the slightest.

"Did you really think a little fire would hurt me?" I taunted, "Why are you doing this, Yang?!"

"My dear sister," Yang said, lifting her hair to reveal the symbol of Yveltal on her neck, "I've joined the winning side. Come, I'm sure Master can find a use for your awesome power."

"I'm sorry Yang," I sighed, "But on my honor and my family, I cannot join you."

"Then I'm sorry for what I have to do."

Yang launched at me, her hair in flames and her gauntlets launching shell after shell. I blocked her fists with my sword, pushing her back with a wave of flame. She went flying into a wall, and stood up, raising her fists again.


I yelled, sending a ball of flames shooting at her. The attack sent her flying backwards again, causing the windows  to shatter and walls to crack from heat and the force of Yang's momentum.

She stood up slowly, putting her fists up in a pose that said she was still ready to fight.She began to charge at me again, as I changed my sword to the bow and prepared an arrow.

"Look out below!"

Jaune crashed into Yang from above, sending both sprawling on the ground. Jaune launched up quickly and stood next to me, brandishing his mother's sword.

"What the hell is Yang doing?!" He asked, "And why is the whole school on fire!?"

"Long story short, she works for Yveltal," I answered, "Now get ready to fight!"

*Third Person POV*

Both demi-legends held their sword and bow at the ready, as Yang stood up once again, launching at them with a killing rage.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now