Chapter 13: Escapee

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*Y/n POV*

After leaving Iris at Beacon, telling her nothing, I flew at top speed over open waters to a secret cave.

'Please, dear Arceus above, don't let it be him. Anyone but him.'

I sped up and soon a ring of sand making a small island in the water appeared.

I sped up and soon a ring of sand making a small island in the water appeared

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I immediately dove into the water, as the cave went straight down. I followed the cave deep into the ocean, as it turned up, and into an air pocket, a small undersea cave.

I landed on the land and started walking deeper into the cave, emotions and thoughts running through my head, mostly fear.

I finally arrived at the end of the cave, and what I saw terrified me.

"No way..."

The chains I had created to hold one specific prisoner were broken, in pieces around the ground. The places where they were anchored to the ground were torn from their places. The lava and water that had previously been flowing around the room had hardened or dried. But most terrifying of all was the ceiling of the cave.

It was completely destroyed, and had a massive hole.

In the shape of a Y.

*??? POV*

I landed in the strange world I had once created and ruled over. The sky was red and the world was dead, that was the same, but the cracked moon, that was new.

"What the hell has happened since I left?" I asked no one.

"Who are you!?" I heard a man yell at me.

I turned around and looked at the man. He had a ponytail and gold eyes.

"I am the ruler of this world," I said, "Who are you to speak to me like that?"

"I am Tyrian, loyal subject of Queen Salem!" He yelled, "She is the ruler of this world!"

"Is she really?" I said, "Well then, forgive me for my mistake then. I would like to meet this... Queen."

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Hmm... fine. I will take you to her."

"Many thanks, sir." I said facetiously.

I walked behind him, as he led me towards a massive castle, probably built on the remains of my own. Whoever this woman is, I will kill her. Taking my world as her own, unforgivable.

He led me into the castle, and into a large room.

"Tyrian, who is it you have brought with you?" A woman asked.

"I found him outside, my Queen. He told me to take him to you."

"Tyrian, step aside. Let me see our visitor." She ordered.

I stood tall, as the Tyrian guy left. I finally got a good look at the strange woman.

 I finally got a good look at the strange woman

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"Who are..." She trailed off, before falling to her knees, bowing to me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"My lord, you have finally returned from your prison." She said, "I have long awaited your return."

"My queen?" Tyrian said, confused, "Who is this person?"

"The god who destroyed the world. He killed god upon god, human upon human, only to be stopped by Lugia."

"Wait, this is..."

"Yes, he is."

I walked toward the throne, slowly taking the seat.

Salem stood next to me.

"Lord Yveltal, welcome back."


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