Chapter 26: Back Stab

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*Y/n POV*

I carried Articuno bridle style, and walked out of the cave. As I exited, I walked over to the Sergeant.

"Let's go." I said.

He waved to his men and we all piled into the Bullhead, as I put Articuno in the seat next to me. I noticed that the men were looking at me, as if sizing me up.

I felt something off, so I grabbed my scroll without the men seeing me, and sent a text to Iris.

<Get a Bullhead and come get me. Atlas Military is planning something.>

I put the scroll away, and put my hands in my lap, as the Bullhead slowly took off. We were on our way back, and the hurricane had completely disappeared.


I picked up Articuno, as we walked out of the Bullhead. I carried her back into the main building, and sat down in a waiting room.

"Ah Y/n, you're back," Ironwood said, walking in with Winter behind him, "And who is this?"

"This is Articuno," I said, "My daughter."

"Oh, that's... interesting," He said, "If you want, we can take her to medical bay and have our doctors look at her."

"No." I said firmly, "I need to get back to Vale, and I'm taking her with me."

At that time, I looked out the window and saw a Bullhead land, as Iris hopped out the back.

"And here's my ride."

I walked out of the building, and towards the Bullhead. Iris saw me and waved.

"Hey Uncle Y/n!" She called, "Who's that?"

"This is Articuno, your cousin," I said, handing her over, "Take her and put her in a seat."

She took Articuno back into the Bullhead, and I turned around, seeing Ironwood there.

"Well General, this has been great, but now I have to go."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Y/n."

"What do you mean?" I said, prepared to kill.

He snapped his fingers, and something fell off the Bullhead, pinning me to the ground. I rolled and kicked whoever it was off, but was then shot in the arm.

I fell to the ground, grabbing my arm. I looked around, and saw the god killers surrounding me, carrying rifles.

"Iris! Get out of here!" I called.

"But what about-"


She listened and ran to the pilot, as the Bullhead took off quickly. I looked up, and watched Ironwood watch the Bullhead go.

"Damn," He said, "We could've had three gods."

He turned back to me.

"But you'll do just fine."

He held his hand out, and Winter put a syringe in his hand, as he leaned down and injected it into me.

The last thing I saw before blacking out was Winter looking down at me, sadness in her eyes.


I opened my eyes slowly, seeing that I was strapped to a bed, being led by doctors to the room that I saw the giant machine in earlier.

I was pushed into that room, seeing Ironwood waiting.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I yelled.

"Simple, I want the power of a god. You can give it to me."

"And how do you plan to do that!?"

He pressed a button on the panel in front of him, and a screen began to play video of Shadow Lugia attacking Beacon.

"This. This is what I want." He said, "I will draw it out, and then I will bring it to our side."

"You're a fool!" I yelled, "Shadow Lugia is uncontrollable! He has half my power, but he will use it to destroy you all!"

"Shut him up."

A cloth was shoved in my mouth, as I squirmed around. I managed to look eyes with Winter, who looked down, a tear falling from her eyes.

"Put him in the machine."

I was put into the massive pipe, and cords and wires were plugged into the machine. One of the scientists powered it on, and more scientists began to type commands.

"Warming up now." One of the scientists said, "Ten minutes."

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