Chapter 19: Deal

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*Y/n POV*

I walked into class the next day, letting out a yawn. Glynda was already there, and I winked at her.

"Hey Glyn," I teased, "How was your night?"

She blushed, "It was... fine."

I laughed, "I bet it was."


I stood in the kitchen, making a batch of pancakes. Celebi was sitting on the couch, eating from the first batch I had made.

As I pulled the pancakes off the stove, I heard the door to my bedroom open.

"Good morning, Glynda." I said.

She went red faced and wide eyed, surprised to see me.

"W-when did you get home?"

I laughed, "Early enough to see you in my bed. You seemed peaceful so I didn't want to wake you up."

"O-oh umm..."

I just laughed at her awkward behavior.

{Flashback Over}

As I was going to keep teasing her, but students began to pour in the doors. I took my place next to Glynda, as she began the class.

After a few students went up to spar, class was almost over. I looked up into the crowd, noticing that Iris was seated far from where she normally was, near Team RWBY. I also noticed Yang was glaring at me something fierce.

I felt as if my life was in trouble. I hate to have unnecessary fights, even more so with my friends or allies, but I have to watch my back from here on out. I fear Yang might do something she might regret.

After a while, the bell rang, and Yang stormed out of class, the first to leave.

*Yang POV*

I walked into Emerald Forest, taking my anger out on any Grimm that was unfortunate enough to get in my way.

I tore through an ursa, not even using my gauntlets, just my fists to tear through it's face. It fell to the floor, completely dead.

I let out a scream, "Y/n Lugia, I will kill you!"

I leaned up against a tree, taking in a few deep breaths.

"You seem angry." A voice said.

"Who's there!?"

"Relax," It said, "I am not your enemy, for we have a common enemy."

"Then show yourself!" I ordered.

"If you insist."

A man came out of the trees, wearing a red jacket and with white hair. I looked him over, and he didn't seem to have any weapons on him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"Right now, that's not important," He said, "What is important is that we both get our revenge."


"On Y/n Lugia," He said, "You, for stealing you sister. For me, it's more personal."

"Who are you, really?"

He looked me in the eye.

"I am the god killer, the world destroyer, the one who makes Lugia fear," He said, "I am Yveltal, God of Chaos."

I prepared to fight, loosely holding my fists in front of me. I wanted to fight, to kill him. This was the guy that killed Iris' mother. But...

Is that really such a bad thing? I mean, that's the only way she came into my life.

And revenge on Y/n? That's too good to pass up.

"I can see you're on the fence," He said, "I'll come back later."

He began to walk away, but I yelled out.


He turned back around.

"Yes? What is it? I'm a very busy man."


"You'll what?"

"I'll accept your deal," I said, "Give me the ability, and I will kill Y/n Lugia."

He smiled a toothy grin, his teeth sharp as knives.

"Then let's begin."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now