Chapter 31: Fire and Lightning

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*Y/n POV*

I walked out of the Bullhead and onto the desert sand. I looked around, and saw the two black clouds moving towards each other, their respective elements shooting off.

It was then that the very atmosphere had changed. It was no longer hot and dry, it was rather cold, and dark. The regular sandstorms that would be raging were missing.

"It's strange," Winter said behind me, "It's like then completely changed the natural weather."

"Yep," I said, "We need to move. Now."

We both looked toward the clouds, trying to think of ways to get to them.

"I have an idea," I said, "I'm going to fly up there and try to get whatever's up there to follow me. Then we fight them here on the ground."

"Okay, I'll stay here and prepare to fight."

I took a running stance, and took off running up a sand hill. I transformed and began to fly, taking off quickly towards the clouds.

It just so happened that as I began to get close, the two clouds began to collide. I ignored the bolts striking me and the flames scorching me, and flew straight through.

As I did, I felt I collided with something on each side of my body, but I was unable to see it as my eyes were blurred.

I crashed into the ground, sliding on the sand. As I shook my head and stood up, clearing my vision, I was surprised by what I saw.

*Third Person POV*

Y/n looked around, his massive form turning from one being to another.

Moltres and Zapdos were right in front of him, a purple aura surrounding both of them

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Moltres and Zapdos were right in front of him, a purple aura surrounding both of them. Their hearts had been closed, and they had been turned into mindless animals.

Y/n's eyes were filled with fear, before his eyes filled with rage, and he let out a terrifying cry. The other two legendary birds let out their own cries, and leapt onto Y/n.

They began to peck and claw, and Y/n responded by flinging his body around, trying to shake them off. He managed to throw them a distance, and fired a few blasts of air at them. Zapdos blocked it with his wing, and then launched a bolt of lightning at him.

Y/n tried to block it, but it struck him hard, and he was sent flying, transforming into his human form. He landed on the ground and weakly looked up, as the two legendary birds transformed as well.

 He landed on the ground and weakly looked up, as the two legendary birds transformed as well

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(A/n: Ignore the bow.)

They let out growls and charged at Y/n, kicking him back into the dirt

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They let out growls and charged at Y/n, kicking him back into the dirt. Zapdos lifted him up, and threw him into the air, and Y/n got struck by lightning.

Moltres leapt into the air, and axe kicked Y/n back down, sending sand flying. Y/n was too weak to stand up, as Moltres lifted him into the air, his hand catching fire.

He reeled back his fist and prepared to end Y/n, before he was grabbed by a white Beowolf. He lit the beast on fire, and then turned to where it came from.

Winter was standing there, holding her blade at the ready. Both he and Zapdos prepared themselves, as they lunged at her.

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