Chapter 48: Lugia VS Primal Kyogre

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*Third Person POV*

Y/n leapt off the bow of the Libra, transforming into his massive form. The storm immediately calmed, as he let out a roar. This caught the attention of Primal Kyogre, who turned her attention back towards Y/n in the sky.

She let out her own cry, and as the storms picked up again, it was nowhere near as strong as before. Y/n's presence alone was weakening any storm Kyogre could create, which made sense. They may share dominion over the ocean.

But there's only one god of storms.

Primal Kyogre charged up an Origin Pulse, and sent it flying at Lugia. Lugia protected against the attack, and Y/n's voice was heard.


He shot a blast of harsh air at Kyogre, sending her flying under the water. She dived down to escape, but Y/n quickly dived in and chased her to the sea floor.

She shot an Ice Beam at him, striking him with a chuck of ice. He broke the ice and charged after her, throwing rocks and other debris at her with Psychic.

She got angry, and the water around her began to speed up with an intense current. Lugia was unaffected by this current, and continued his chase of Kyogre. This chase lead to a deep ravine, where Kyogre dived down.

Suddenly, the tides were turned on Lugia, figuratively and literally. Kyogre sprang from the ravine, slamming into Lugia's underside. She tackled him up towards the surface, and they flew upwards.

Iris, Celebi, and the trio watched in awe, as Primal Kyogre and Lugia went flying into the air, sending a spray of water everywhere. Lugia and Kyogre tumbled back into the sea, but Kyogre did not let up her attack.

She tackled into Y/n again, shooting a point blank Ice Beam into his chest. Lugia let out a wailing, pained cry, but soon turned angry, biting down on Kyogre's fin. His teeth sunk in, and used it to gain leverage on Kyogre.

He pushed himself on top of her back, and aimed his mouth down at her. A ball of energy began to charge at his mouth, and he shot a Hyper Beam directly into Kyogre.

She fell to the bottom of the ocean, and he still did not let up. The beam continued to bore down on Kyogre, until she fainted and Y/n was too tired to continue. He fell to the bottom of the ocean, and both transformed into their human forms.

Y/n began to black out, but before he did, he saw Kyogre's form standing over him. As his vision turned black, he swore he could see Kyogre's mouth moving, as if to say...

"Thank you, old friend."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now