Chapter 71: Relationships

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*Third Person POV*

As Y/n was enjoying his day alone on the beach, his friends and family at Beacon were enjoying the same sunset, many of them together with someone special.

The first of these pairs was Jaune and Iris, who had spent the afternoon stuck in library, studying together. Their plan was originally to study for a few hours, but eventually they had just lost focus, as most kids their age would do.

They had ended up being kicked out of the library after an entire shelf was pushed over onto a nearby student.

As they walked down the hall towards their dorms, giggling and joking like school children, the two found themselves avoiding eye contact with one each other.

(A/n: I don't know why, but in these stories I have an inexplicable love for Jaune. Don't ask me why, maybe it's just brotherhood.)

"So, Iris..." Jaune said after an awkward silence, "Maybe you'd like to..."

"Maybe what Jaune?" Iris asked, a blush dusting her face.

"Maybe, you'd like to... join me... I mean just as friends... go to Vale... and maybe..."

"What is it, Jaune?"

"Go get dinner?" Jaune said, his muscles clenching in fear of rejection, "My treat."

'Yes. Yes. YES!' Iris thought, though she showed no sign of this on her face other than the blush.

"Umm, sure," Iris answered, "Let me go put my stuff away and we can get going."

She quickly entered her room and shut the door behind her, leaning against the door.

"YES!" She whisper-yelled, pumping her fist.

Her exclamation was mirrored by a voice outside the door, following a thump that was caused by Jaune falling to his knees with both arms up.

As Iris began to dig through her clothes, two more figures were sitting on the roof of the dorms, looking up into the evening sky.

The cool, calm, and ever-confident Zapdos was having a small heart attack, as he sat next to the black haired girl he had come to love.

Blake and Zapdos had become quick friends, both of them having similar tastes. They both enjoyed quiet times alone, reading, and pensive conversation. Zapdos had come to admire Blake to the point where her opinion was taken seriously, a feat that could previously only be said of Y/n himself.

As the two sat there, quietly enjoying each other's company, she ended up leaning against him so that she was laying her head on his shoulder. This caused the legendary bird to break out in a massive blush, red covering his entire face.

"U-uhh, Blake?"

"Quiet, Zapdos," Blake said, leaning into him more, "Just... enjoy this with me."

So they sat, in almost dead silence. The only noises that were heard between them was the nervous tapping of Zapdos' shoe on the pavement, under Blake's hand came to rest on his knee, freezing him in a second.

"Zapdos, listen to me."

"Y-yes, Blake?"

"We both know where this is going," She said, "So... why fight what's mean to happen?"

Her own blush was rivaled only by Zapdos', as she brought her face closer to his.

"B-b-b-blake, what do you mean by-"

His nervous stammering was cut off by Blake's lips pressing against him. There was not a split second of hesitation, as he kissed back, bringing his hand up to cup Blake's cheek.

As they split apart, both were breathing deeply.

"T-that was..." Zapdos breathed, "Awesome."

The two locked eyes for a second, before slowly moving in for another kiss. And then another. And then... another.

Two fiery souls were in Beacon's gym room, the fiery blond of Beacon watching as the flaming legendary beat the punching bag over and over.

"You done yet?" Yang asked, as the third punching bag went flying across the room.

"Not yet," He puffed, "I still got some anger in me."

"What's got you so mad?" She asked, as she grabbed a new punching bag and hooked it up.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Maybe if you told me, I would."

Moltres let out a deep sigh, as he brought his fist to rest on the hanging bag. He leaned against it, and spoke silently, at least more silent than the normally arrogant god had before.

"When you've been alone as long as I have," He growled, "It gets annoying seeing happy couples everywhere. My cousin, my brother, even my dad is in a happy relationship. But me, I got nothin'."

"Nothing?" Yang echoed.


"Maybe it's cause you haven't been looking."

Moltres gave the blonde human a strange look, as she turned and began to undo her ponytail. He noticed that she seemed annoyed, as if she was being ignored when she had something important to say.

"And... where do you recommend I start looking?" He asked, walking up behind her.

She turned around and huffed, her arms crossed, "If you can't see where, then good luck finding someone, dumbass."

She turned and began to charge angrily out of the gym room, but was stopped by Moltres grabbing her arm. She didn't turn to see him, even as he began to speak.

"I see now," He said quietly, "I really have been a dumbass, I guess."

She still refused to turn around, as angry tears began to stream down her face.

"I'm sorry Yang," He said, "I've been looking for the perfect girl, but I couldn't see she was right in front of me all along."

She turned around quickly, and Moltres was expecting to be sent flying through the wall with a punch.

Instead, she buried her head in his chest and began to heave with sobs, leaving him to gently rub her back in comfort.

"It's okay, let it out," He urged, "I'm sorry about this, all of this time I've wasted."

Yang let go of him with one arm, and wiped her tears from her cheeks. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, as he wrapped his around her waist.

"Well then," She said, a confident smirk plastering itself on her face, "We'll just have to make up for lost time."

And as she jumped on his, planting a kiss on his list, we leave the lovers of Beacon to their own devices, on this calm, beautiful night.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now