Chapter 58: Meloetta

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

Sorry bout the late chapter, got a little hung up.

See ya in another life Brotha!

*Y/n POV*

I stepped out of my room, adjusting my jacket as I walked into the hall. I turned to my right and walked down the hallway, passing by students and waving.

As I did, I found myself whistling a little tune. It was a familiar tune, one that I remembered from years ago. It was one of Meloetta's songs, one that seemed to carry her power to this day, despite the deity's untimely demise.

As I remembered the time I met Meloetta, when Celebi first introduced me to her.


"Come on Big Bro!" Celebi called, running up the grassy hill, "Come on!"

"Hold on a second Celebi," I called back, walking behind him with S/n, "We're on our way."

"He's excited," S/n mused, "I wonder what it is he wants to show us so badly."

"I don't know," I replied, "But I know he's happy, and that's good."

"Nice way to look at the world," S/n  said, as we rounded the top of the hill, "Hey, who is that?"

"Big Bro!"

We looked over towards a lone tree on top of the hill, seeing Celebi next to a green haired girl carrying a harp. She seemed to be as young as Celebi, perhaps even younger.

"Oh, Lord Lugia and Lady Ho-oh," She said, bowing towards us, "Pleasure to meet you

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"Oh, Lord Lugia and Lady Ho-oh," She said, bowing towards us, "Pleasure to meet you."

"Our pleasure," I said, "It's nice to meet you Ms..."

"Oh, please call me Meloetta!"

"Ah, so you're Meloetta!" S/n spoke up, "Reshiram told me a lot about you and your music."

"T-thank you Lady Ho-oh!" Meloetta said, blushing, "It's an honor to be recognized by one such as you."

"Oh please," I interrupted, "Just call us Y/n and S/n. You're a friend of Celebi, so you're more than welcome to treat us as your family."

She looked at me with her bright green eyes, "T-thank you sir!"

She suddenly lunged at me and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She dangled from my neck, much like Celebi would if he hugged me. I slowly returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her tiny frame.

"Umm, of course. Anytime, Meloetta."

{Flashback Over}

I looked out the window, feeling a small tear roll down my cheek. I saw a small hill with a large tree, one that provided shade for the hilltop. I swear I could hear Meloetta's harp even to this day, carrying a happy tune across the world. The wind carried that merry tune, spreading it across the world, as I wiped the tear.

"Goodbye Meloetta. Thank you, for the one last song."

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