Finale: The End...

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*Third Person POV*

The hulking forms of Lugia and Yveltal flew into the stormy skies, crashing against each other. Clawing, biting, and attacking ensued, as the two legendaries took out their rage on one another.

Lugia fired off an Aeroblast, striking Yveltal directly in the face. Yveltal staggered slightly, then flew above Lugia, firing an Oblivion Wing down at him. Lugia was struck by the attack, the damage done to him being used to heal the damage off of Yveltal.

Yveltal swooped down towards Lugia, swiping at him with his claws and jaw. Blood poured from Lugia's wounds, as his flying became weak and stinted. He attempted to fight back, but Yveltal was faster, stronger, and no matter what he did, Yveltal would just heal it off.

Lugia took one last attack, and fell to the ground weakly, his hulking form sending dust flying out from under him.

Yveltal landed nearby, and transformed into his human form. Lugia did the same, laving Y/n bleeding on the ground, his hair and clothes disheveled and torn and stained with blood.

"Can't you see, you old fool?" Yveltal taunted, walking towards Y/n, "This silly game of ours... it's over. I've won. I've killed Ho-oh, Arceus, Groudon, all those who you loved. I have ascended to become the most powerful of all gods."

Y/n turned and crawled, using his weak and bloody arms to drag himself away from Yveltal. Yveltal walked towards him slowly, his arms tucked in his pockets. He easily caught up to Y/n. and placed his foot on his back.

Yveltal forced Y/n onto his back, and then jammed hit foot into his stomach. Pulling back once again, he forcefully kicked Y/n's gut, causing him to cough up blood.


Y/n was unable to respond, writhing in pain as he attempted to grab Yveltal's foot.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Yveltal said, leaning down to look at Y/n, "Finally given up? You look just like your sister did when she realized her fight was futile. I got such a pure pleasure from watching her die."

Y/n eyes widened, as Yveltal went into detail.

"Seeing the blood dripping from her wounds, the life slowly drain from her skin," Yveltal taunted, "It gave me such an adrenaline rush! She was completely powerless as I separated her head from her body, her lifeless corpse falling uselessly to the ground. Of course, that was after I excruciatingly ripped every single one of her feathers out of her back, spreading them across the ground in a beautiful rainbow of pain and torture."

"Oh, but I did feel a bit of disappointment," Yveltal said, his head hanging slightly but his smile not fading, "I wasn't able to... use her, before she died. Even for a woman with child, she had a wonderful figure. I was more than happy to... indulge in my fantasies once she was dead."

Y/n felt something moving up his throat, vomit and blood shooting out onto the ground. He couldn't speak, and couldn't move.

"Your sister's skill felt wonderful... so smooth and warm, even after death. It brought me even more pleasure than watching her die! And don't worry, I'll make sure that I savor your niece before she dies this time. I'll savor every inch of her body so-"

He was cut off as Velnas came jumping through, drop kicking him away from Y/n. This sent Yveltal sprawling away, but he stopped after a second.

"Ah, my foolish son," He said, "I should've expected this."

"You disgust me." Velnas said, putting his fists up.

"Fine then, I'll end-"

He was suddenly struck by a tornado of lightening and fire, sent flying into a nearby wall as Zapdos and Moltres landed nearby their father.

"Stay away from our father." Moltres said, his fists erupting in flames.

"Or else." Zapdos finished, his own fists sparking with electric potential.


He was suddenly frozen solid by Articuno, swooping down at him. The ice was shattered as Ruby and Weiss launched through it, their weapons piercing his chest.

They both ran backwards, allowing Blake to come in and wrap her weapon around Yveltal's neck, throwing him into the ground and choking him.

Yveltal grabbed the rope around his neck and ripped it off, throwing Blake back into Zapdos, who caught her.

"F*CKING DAMN YOU ALL!" Yveltal screamed, his rage encompassing him, "I'LL MURDER YOU ALL!"

"Not if I beat you to it."

Yveltal turned to face the voice, finding two swords pressed to his neck.

Iris and Jaune held him in place, their blades threatening to cut his head from his body.

"Ah, Iris," Yveltal said, "It's been so long since-"

"Shut up," She growled, "You'll burn for what you've done."

"Oh will I," Yveltal said, "Or will I just exscape, like I always do."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Jaune asked, "We are all here, and there's just one of you."

Team JNPR, the Celebis, and Meloetta joined everybody, coming back from assisting the evacuations, holding their weapons up to hold Yveltal in place. Yveltal looked at all of them once more, before chuckling.

"Are you truly all here?" He taunted, repeating Jaune's words, "There seems to be a notable person missing."

Ruby looked back into the courtyard, scanning the area once more. She noticed that something was missing, something that was once laying there.


Yveltal laughed a psychotic laugh, as crashing was heard not far. Yang came crashing through the forest, followed by a massive horde of Grimm.

She immediately came running towards Iris and Jaune, punching them and sending them flying. The rest of the group was surrounded by Grimm, and Y/n was left writhing on the ground.

"Perhaps next time we meet, you will have learned not to underestimate me."

He easily walked over to Y/n, the Grimm clearing a path for him to walk through. He leaned down and looked Y/n in the eyes, grinning widely.

"I'll see you soon, Teacher."

And with that, he disappeared. Leaving them to deal with the destruction of Beacon and the swarms of Grimm.

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