Chapter 46: Kyogre VS The Trio

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*Third Person POV*

Kyogre charged at Articuno, who continued to fire arrows at her. Kyogre swung her fist at Articuno's head, but missed as Articuno ducked and rolled around her. Kyogre turned, only to be met with a fist full of flames, as Moltres swung his fist.

Kyogre began to swing wildly, as Moltres ducked and weaved around her punches. He then swung one fist at her face, before sending an uppercut to her stomach.

Kyogre managed to land a fist on Moltres' face, sending him flying into a wall. She then caught an arrow that was launched at her face, throwing it to the ground. She turned to face Articuno, only to be struck from behind.

Zapdos stood behind her, his feet covered in electric sparks. He bounced from one foot to the other, as Kyogre stood up and turned to him.

"Kyogre, stop this," He said, "You're being unreasonable."

"Shut up!" Kyogre yelled, "I'm going to kill all of you!"

She swung a fist at Zapdos, but her fist was blocked by a kick. A shock crossed through Zapdos' leg and into Kyogre's arm, sending her flying. She collided with the wall, creating a massive crater. She was held in place as two arrows impaled her shoulders.

"Sorry Kyogre," Articuno said, "But until we get you outta this, you've gotta stay like that."

Iris walked up behind them and looked at Kyogre, her eyes sweeping over Kyogre's body.

"So, this is Kyogre?" She asked.

"Yeah," Moltres answered, "Though she's acting weird. It's like her whole body has been taken over by Yveltal."

"Great," Iris groaned, "One more person whose life has been ruined by Yveltal."

They all turned and looked towards Y/n, who was a bloody, bruised lump on the ground. They turned him onto his back, and began to check his wounds.

"This isn't good," Articuno said, "If we don't get him help soon, he'll die."

"Okay," Iris said, "Let's get him back to Libra, now!"

They picked up his body, and Iris turned to Kyogre.

"Hey, what should we do about her?"

"Don't worry, we got this!" Moltres called.

They left the cave, and set Y/n down by the door. Celebi leaned against his brother's head, sitting on his shoulder.

"Big brother," Celebi said, "Please wake up."

Articuno stood between her brothers, as they turned towards the door. Articuno held her hands out, and ice began to accumulate.

"Sheer Cold!"

Ice began to grow from the floor, and covered the door and the cave leading to the door. Everything, even inside of Kyogre's cavern was covered in ice. Kyogre herself was frozen solid, unable to move inside the thick sheet of ice.

Zapdos walked up to the ice in front of him, and his feet began to spark with electricity. He swung a foot at the sheet, yelling.

"Thunder Wave!"

Electricity spread throughout the ice, covering every inch with a shocking barrier. This served to further paralyze Kyogre, and to prevent escape.

"Alright, my turn!" Moltres said, "Will-O-Wisp!"

Balls of flame appeared in the air, floating around the field of ice. They burned hot and bright, and forced everybody but Moltres and Iris to stand back from the heat.

"Alright," Articuno said, "That should keep her there until we can come back and save her. Let's get going."

They picked up Y/n and jumped back into the water, flying up towards the Libra.

*Kyogre POV*

"You have failed me."

"Stay away!" I screamed back in my mind, "Give me back my body!"

"Your body belongs to me," He said, "And it will do whatever I command."


I felt my body moving, despite not having any control over it. I knew what this felt like, as I had watched myself attack Y/n and the trio. I tried to fight back, but my body didn't listen to me.

"Please Y/n, free me!"

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