Chapter 7: New Job

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Hey everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

You know what, I haven't said this in forever, so...


Ahh, it feels good to say that once again.

See ya in another life Brotha!

*Y/n POV*

I was standing in the helm, with Celebi and the Captain, just looking out at the sea in front of us. I saw land coming and pointed to it.

"Land ho." I said.

"Aye, aye," The Captain said, "We need to radio the dock and tell them we're coming."

"Well shit." I said, "Where IS the radio?"

I began to dig through the different compartments  in the helm, looking for the radio. Suddenly, I heard loud sirens and there were blue and red lights.

"Oum dammit," The Captain said, "We're being pulled over. By the f*cking bay patrol."

"Captain," I said, getting his attention, "I have a plan. Go deal with those guys, and I'll handle everything."

"Uhh, sure."

He left the helm, and I called Celebi.

"Celebi, strap everything down." I said.

"On it Big Bro!"

He flew off, and came back a few minutes later.

"Okay, everything's done." He said, "What's the plan?"

I put my hand on the wheel and my other on the throttle.

"When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious shit."

I pushed the throttle all the way forward, and the boat began to move forward. I looked out and saw the bay patrol guys looked surprise, and the captain was standing on the edge of the ship, shrugging.

Suddenly, the engines shot forward, and the boat began to speed. I quickly began to spin the wheel turning the opposite way of the bay patrol. They pulled out pistols and rifles and began to fire at the ship.

"Hey! Stop putting holes in my ship!" I yelled.

We began to speed off, and Celebi grabbed my shoulder to keep from flying to the back wall. I looked to the deck and saw everyone holding onto something, and I had to use the wheel just to keep from going flying.

The bay patrol guys began to follow us, and one of the guys started firing at us using a mounted turret on the front of the boat. They were somehow managing to keep up with us.

"God damn, I need to do some work on this  boat." I grumbled, "To think this used to be the greatest ship of it's time."

"Big Bro, watch out!"

I spun the wheel to avoid another ship, and the bay patrol ship crashed into it, sending them all overboard.

I put some distance between us and the coast, and stopped the ship.

"Was that really necessary, Y/n?"

I turned and saw Ozpin standing there, sipping out of his mug.

"Nope," I said, "But hey, I had fun."

He sighed, "Well, how about we get back to Beacon? I handle this with bay patrol later."

I started the boat again, this time going much slower. Ozpin stood next to me and looked out the window with me.

"Y/n, I have a proposition for you." He said.

"What is it?"

"I would like you teach at Beacon," He said, "Whatever you need, I'll provide it."

"A few conditions." I said, "You pay for any and all repairs/upgrades I make to my ship. And Celebi stays with me."

"Agreed," He said, "Now, there is a dock closer to Beacon. It's a little small, but we should have no probably docking there."

"Dry land is not a myth! I have seen it!"

"Okay, what the hell are you doing?"

"I don't know anymore. The first two quotes made more sense."

"Just take the ship to the dock."


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking," I said into the radio, which was connected to a speaker, "Thank you all for traveling with SeaLugia, I hope to never have to do that crap again."

I put the radio mic back in place, and walked out of the helm. Everyone else had already gotten off the boat, and as I stepped off, I could see Beacon off in the distance.

"Big Bro, let's go!" Celebi yelled at me.

I jumped off the boat and landed next to them. I motioned with my arms.

"Lead the way."

We began to walk down the road, heading towards Beacon.

Here we go.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now