Chapter 39: Relics of The Past

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*Y/n POV*

After that short episode, I walked deeper into the cave with newfound determination and energy.

That voice. It was too familiar.

But it can't be. She's dead. She was killed by Yveltal.

At least, I think.

I kept walking into the darkness, feeling my way against the wall. It was solid, sharp, and jagged granite rock.

Hold on...

It smoothed over, as I kept walking. The floor below me also smoothed out, from the rough rock before.

Someone had been here before, and meant for me to find this.

Suddenly, the hallway lit up, with a bright light. It seemed to come from every corner of the hallway, just emitting light.

I put my sword away, and kept walking down the hall, noting the inscriptions on the wall.

They were inscriptions of gods, including Arceus, Giratina, Darkrai, Cresselia, Palkia, Dialga, S/n, Groudon, Rayquaza, and even Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.

Two of us were noticeably missing, Me, and Kyogre. Why were we not here? What is all this?

The amount of questions only began to grow as I found an inscription, marked in the language of the gods.

"Storms. Wind. Sea. Islands. Water." I read, "What is this?"

I followed the inscriptions, which lead all the way down the hall. They all seemed to be words related to the sea or storms.

At the end of the hall, I saw a massive inscription, which I recognized.

It was a picture of me and Kyogre, creating a massive ring around some cravings in the wall. I read the carvings.

"Lugia and Kyogre, partners of the sea." I said, "When together, their power shall be able to defeat the one who seeks to bring Chaos and destruction. I, creator of all, leave this message for those of the future to find. I can see that the world I know shall be destroyed, and replaced with on of the future. When my gods awake, it shall be in their hands to save the world from the one who seeks to bring chaos."

I stepped back, looking at the massive picture. I felt a wave of realization come through me.

Arceus saw all of this coming, and made a fail safe. Me and Kyogre. Together, we could beat Yveltal.

But, Kyogre's dead.

She has to be. I watched her die.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now