Chapter 53: Reunited Part 5

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*Third Person POV*

After meeting the young Velnas, and while keeping a careful eye on him, our cast of main characters continued their trek through the forest, finally getting back to the point I was going to make back in Chapter 51.

But now I have to add plot interruptions, to make it so that I can stretch this chapter to at least 400 words.

"It's almost noon," Y/n said, looking at his scroll, "Let's stop for lunch, then we continue."

"Fine by me," Jaune said, "What's for lunch?"

Everybody spread out around the clearing they were in, taking out food and drinks. Velnas sat down away from everyone else, as most of the group kept a wary eye on him. Y/n sat down next to a tree, and began to focus on his surrounds, trying to locate Yveltal.


A voice called into the wind, as Y/n eyes flew open. He began to look around, seeing no one speaking to him.

"Y/n... help me..."

"S/n?" Y/n asked quietly, "But you're dead."

"Help me brother... help me..."

Y/n slowly pushed himself up from the ground, and began to walk into the forest, following the strange voice on the wind.

"Y/n... come to me..."

Y/n blindly followed the voice, attracting little attention as he walked off.

Except for Iris, who watched him disappear into the darkness of the trees. She stood up and began to walk after him, as they kept walking into the forest.

This attracted the attention of everyone else, who began to follow Iris deeper into the forest. They all drew their weapons, suddenly suspicious of what they were chasing after.

"What the hell is going on?" Yang asked, "Where is Y/n going?"

"I 'm not sure," Ruby replied, "But we should follow him, right?"

"Yeah," Blake said, "It's dangerous, especially with Yveltal out here."

Eventually, they came upon a large clearing, where Y/n didn't even stop. He just kept walking through, following the voice only he could hear.

There was silence in the forest, as a single scream broke the serenity.


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