Chapter 8: Threat

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*Y/n POV*

I went to my new room with Celebi, after we finally got back to Beacon. I head the scroll Ozpin had given me, and I opened the door.

It was a decent room, with two bedrooms, a kitchen area, and a living room area with a TV.

"Big Bro, this room is amazing!" Celebi said.

He flew into the room, and fell out of the sky, landing on the floor and laying there.

"Someone's tired." I said.

"No, I'm not tired yet." He said, his voice clearly conveying his tiredness.

"Yes you are."

I lifted him up, over my shoulder, and walked over to one of the bedrooms. I opened it and laid him on the bed, pulling the covers over him.

"Goodnight Celebi." I said, "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight... Big Bro." He said, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

I smiled at his cuteness, and left the room, closing the door behind me.

I walked into the living room, sitting down and kicking my feet onto the coffee table. Suddenly, my scroll went off.

"Why the hell do they even call this a scroll?" I asked no one.

<Y/n, this is Ozpin. I wanted to inform you that starting tomorrow you will be an assistant teacher for Ms.Goodwitch's combat class.>

I started typing out my response, but I'm not exactly used to this new technology.

<SOUnDs gUd 2 mE>

"Nailed it."

I put the scroll away and leaned back in the couch, when I heard a knocking on the door.

"Oh, what now!?"

I stood up and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw Yang on the other side.

"Hello Yang," I said, "You have classes tomorrow, you should be asleep."

"Yes, I know that," She said, "But I needed to talk to you."

"Well then, come inside."

I stepped aside, and she walked inside.

"So, what did you-"

I was cut off as she pushed me against the wall, pointing her gauntlet at my face.

"Listen here bastard," She growled, "I will not allow you to steal my sisters or friends from me."

I kept my calm demeanor, since I prefer to be calm, especially with humans. But Yang was pushing my limits.

I looked into her eyes, as she was surrounded in a pink aura. I used psychic and forced her to move back, and put her hands at her sides.

"Listen here Yang," I said, "I have no intention of 'stealing' your sisters or friends from you. But if you're worried about me stealing them, you need to re-evaluate your relationships. Goodnight, I will see you in class."

I made her walk out of the room, and then closed it behind her. I locked it, and then went to the other bedroom, laying in the bed.

"This is going to be an interesting time." I said, before falling asleep.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now