Chapter 11: Next Day

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*Y/n POV*

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt something repeatedly poking my face.

As my vision cleared, I saw Celebi squatting in front me, poking my face. I was still on the floor, having slept there all night.

"Big Bro," He said, poking my face again, "Big Broooooo!"

"What?" I said groggily.

"How do I use the toaster?"

"I'm going back to bed."


"Big bro!"

"Big broooooo!"



"You're late for class."



I pushed the door to class open, just barely making it to the class after lunch.

"Hello Y/n."

"Hello Glynda."

I sat down and waited for class to start, as students started to pour in.

I watched, as Jaune and his team took a seat, not to far from Team RWBY and Iris. I also noticed Team CRDL sitting a few rows behind Team JNPR.

As class began, I watched Cardin closely.

He was shooting spitballs at Jaune, throwing papers, and just generally being an ass.

Glynda called students and they sparred, going down the line, until we were almost out of time.

"Okay," Glynda said, "We have time for one more fight. Who would like to-"

"Jaune and Cardin. Arena. Now." I ordered.

Glynda turned to me in shock, but I just nodded. She shrugged and both Jaune and Cardin got to the arena, as Cardin was carrying his mace.

"Where's your weapon, Jauny-Boy?" Cardin taunted.

Jaune pulled out the new sword we had made, and I smirked, as it glowed a bit. Everyone in the class was in shock, as the two prepared to fight.

"This is going to be interesting." I said quietly.

"Ready?" Glynda said, "Begin!"

Cardin charged at Jaune, swinging his mace. Jaune blocked it with his shield, and then he swung his sword.

Everyone gasped, as Jaune's sword began to glow. He slashed across Cardin's chest, sending him flying across the arena. Even I was surprised.

"Did you do this?" Glynda asked me.

"Nope, this is all him," I explained, "The sword uses the power of it's wielder, hence why gods are usually the only ones who wield swords like that. Jaune is not a god, but he's definitely something."

"Interesting..." She said, turning back to the fight.

Cardin pushed himself off the ground and proceeded to run back at Jaune, only to be hit by a beam of energy, it's origin being Jaune's sword.

Jaune looked at his sword, his mouth wide. He looked at me, and I just shrugged.

While he was looking at me, Cardin tried to run up behind him and jumped into the air to attack him, only for the sword to glow again, and Cardin just hit the ground.

"What the-"

He was cut off as Jaune, who had teleported behind him, slashed his back, and he fell to the ground, knocked out.

The bell rang, signalling the end of class, as students slowly got up and left.

"Where are you going?" Glynda asked, as she saw me leaving class.

"Well Arceus doesn't exist anymore, and I need answers," I said, "So I'm going to take a little trip."

"To where?"

"The one place where information never dies..."

*??? POV*

"Heaven's Vault. It's good to be free."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now