Chapter 41: Ocean

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*Y/n POV*

I pulled out my map, checking that I was still on the right heading. I went back to the stern, putting my hands on the wheel.

I was currently on the S.S. Libra, out on the ocean. I was far from any source of land, even farther than the Whirlpool Islands. I had found ancient coordinates in Heaven's Vault, which would lead me to Kyogre's cave. Comparing those, on an ancient map, to a modern map, led me all the way out here.

I took a deep breathe, and turned off the motors, leaving the stern. I walked out onto the deck, and looked down into the water.

"Here we go..." I said to no one.

I jumped into the water, transforming into my original form.

*Iris POV*

I watched as Uncle Y/n jumped off the boat. I had snuck aboard while he wasn't paying attention, and hidden underdeck.

I felt terrible. I've been a total bitch towards him, when it wasn't even his fault. I need to apologize. 

Ever since he came back, he's been nothing but kind. If I ever had questions, he had answers. If I needed help, he was there to assist. Even when Yang went crazy, he was there to bring her back to her senses. He treated me like his own daughter.

And I treated him like crap.

I looked down into the water, seeing his full Lugia form swimming to the bottom. I looked at Mom's book in my hands, reading the spell and the note with it.

Don't tell Y/n, but I found a spell that will allow me to breathe and fly under water! It's awesome! I can see why Y/n likes it down there so much, but I still prefer my skies.

Here's the spell.

I spoke out loud as I read the spell.

"The sky is my sea, the sea is my sky. My breath is the wind, my breath is the current. Allow my transition from above to below, as I visit the world of the sea."

I jumped into the air, turning into my Ho-oh form, before diving into the water. I found that I was able to breathe and live just fine.

I watched the shadow of Lugia fly towards the sea floor, and followed behind.

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