Chapter 27: Shadow

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*Iris POV*

I carried the blue haired girl, my cousin, out of the Bullhead, in a completely panic.

"Iris," Ozpin said, coming up to me, "What's going on? Where's Y/n?"

"He was shot and captured," I said, "He's been kidnapped by Atlas."

He closed his eyes, and sighed.

"Okay, I'll take her to the infirmary," He said, "You get team RWBY and go save Y/n."

"Got it sir!"

I ran off to go find Team RWBY, my heart pounding.

*Third Person POV*

Back at Atlas, Ironwood and his scientists were preparing the machine. One scientist loked at him, and gave a thumbs up, as Ironwood nodded.

"Prepared for test," He said, "Launching in 3, 2, 1, begin."

He pressed a button, and Y/n began to scream, as an electric jolt was sent through his body. He began to jerk and shake, trying the break out of the glass container he was stuck in.

Ironwood turned around, and saw Winter standing there, looking down.

"What's got you so down?" He asked, "We're about to become the most powerful people in the world."

"I know." She said sadly, "It's just... this feels wrong. He has a family, a niece, a daughter. Don't you just think this is... wrong?"

"You're not turning traitor on me, are you?"

"No no no sir!" She said quickly, "I was just being foolish."

"Good," Ironwood said, "Don't worry, when we're powerful, we'll bring his family and do the same to them. But for now, just tell the soldiers to stay alert."

"Yes sir."

Winter walked out of the room, and Ironwood looked at Y/n. Y/n glared back, and began to mouth something.

"You... were... warned..." He said quietly, "There's... no... going... back..."

He closed his eyes, and began to glow. The scientists turned their eyes from the bright glow, and Ironwood smiled.

Suddenly, the container exploded, sending shards of glass flying everywhere. Scientists blocked their faces, and Ironwood walked down to Y/n, who was now on all fours, his clothes changed to purple and his hair black.

"Lugia?" Ironwood said, "Are you ready to make a deal?"

Y/n growled.

"I am not Lugia," He said, "I am Shadow Lugia!"

Ironwood backed up, as a pulse of energy shot out of Y/n's body. Y/n stood in front of Ironwood, and looked impatient.

"What's this deal you're talking about?"

Ironwood stood straight in front of Shadow Y/n, trying not to show fear.

"Well," He began, "Simply put, serve in my army, follow my orders, and I'll give you anything you ever want."

"And if I refuse?"

Ironwood's smile dropped, and his eyes showed real fear. He seemed to realize that this as the worst possible situation.

Shadow Y/n smirked, and walked closer to Ironwood slowly. He smirk turned into a terrifying smile, as his sword appeared, and he shoved it through Ironwood's gut.

"Fool! I don't serve humans, you serve me!"

He threw Ironwood's lifeless corpse at some screens, and sparks flew out. Guards pointed their guns at him, ordering him to stand down.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now