Chapter 64: Legendary Mission Part 2

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*Y/n POV*

Kyogre and I stepped off the Bullhead, walking out as the door opened. As soon as we were off, the pilot took off, as to not bring suspicion from nearby Atlesian patrols.

We walked towards the strange ruins, stepping over fallen bricks and stones. We looked around, checking everything once over, walking into the large temple. When we got in, the temple had a domed roof, with many holes in it. She went to look at the walls, and I walked into the center and looked around the room.

"Hey Y/n," She called, "I got writing."

"What's it say?" I asked, walking up behind here.

"All ye who worship here," She read, "This is a temple to the gods of sea, land, and sky. We worship them as the ones who bring peace and kindness."

We began to walk along the walls, seeing more and more writing in our language. It was all about the gifts of 'calm seas', 'kindness', and 'peace among men'.

Kyogre stopped to look at a carving on the wall, and I kept walking. As I did, I noticed something carved into the side of a pillar, which made me stop in place.

"Kyogre, come here."

"What is...."

We both looked at the pillar in silence, as we realized what this temple was dedicated to.

The pillar, which stood in the middle of the room and held up the dome, was carved all over with intricate designs. The designs were large but detailed, showing intricate care and work by someone who worshiped here.

The carvings showed four beings, two facing the other two. One of the creatures was certainly S/n, done in her legendary form. Her every feather was carved into the stone, and I could almost see the rainbow colors in her wings. She was facing another familiar form, one of my own legendary form. The sculptor had managed to sculpt my large wings and tail into the stone.

Kyogre was also carved deep in the pillar, the markings on her legendary form perfectly translated. Across from her carving...

Kyogre placed her hand on the carving of Groudon, his form facing hers. She ran her fingers over the stone, and I saw a few tears fall to the ground. I sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her, letting her cry into my shoulder.

When she was done, she wiped her eyes and said, "Thanks Y/n."

"No problem," I said, "Anyway, who made this? It couldn't have been humans, they can't speak our language."

"No, but who?"

We began to look around for any clue as to who made it. As we were, I noticed a panel on the wall. It had a very familiar symbol on it.

"Lord Arceus," I breathed, "Of course you had something to do with this

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"Lord Arceus," I breathed, "Of course you had something to do with this."

I reached out and pressed my hand onto the panel, feeling the carving under my fingers. I ran my hand over it, before pressing in.

The panel offered no resistance, falling deeper into the wall. The temple began to shake violently, stones and bricks falling off the wall.

"Y/n! What's happening?!"

"The wall!"

The wall I had pointed out was crumbling away, falling to the ground. It completely fell to the ground, revealing a passage underground. Once the shaking stopped, we turned towards the passage, exchanging glances.

"Well then," I said, "I guess that's where we're going."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now