Chapter 47: ??? VS S.S. Libra

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*Third Person POV*

Iris, Celebi, and the trio stood in the helm of the S.S.Libra, as Y/n was knocked out on a bed under deck. They all looked depressed, aware that they had failed their goal of saving someone they considered family and a friend.

"So," Iris said, breaking the silence, "What now?"

"We go back to Beacon," Articuno said, controlling the ship, "Dad will figure out something from there. He always does."

Articuno had learned years ago from her father how to captain the S.S. Libra. When she was a child, it was pretty common that she and her father would go out and take the ship out around the Whirlpool islands, with him showing her every detail about the Libra.

"I hope he's okay," Moltres said, "He's pretty hurt."

Despite the brave and arrogant face he was most famous for, Moltres commonly had times where his fear and nervousness made him almost a complete wreck. At this time, he may be even more worried than Celebi, who was almost in tears and clinging to Iris. If his father, the man who he had looked up to his whole life, couldn't defeat someone, how could he do it? How could he stand up to someone his father had lost to?

Zapdos knew this about his brother, and knew how he felt. He walked over and put a hand on his brother's shoulder, reassuring him.

"It'll be fine," Zapdos assured, "Dad will find something, he always does."

"I hope you're right," Moltres said, "Thanks."

"Hey bros," Articuno said, "If you're done, can someone check that scanner? It's beeping off the hook."

Iris walked over and looked at the scanner, seeing a red dot blinking on the monitor. She watched, as the blip got closer and closer to their ships, and she realized something was coming.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" She yelled.

Something collided with the Libra, nearly toppling it. The only person left standing was Articuno, who held onto the wheel with an iron grip. She corrected the ship, and checked all her monitors for whatever it was.

"What the hell!?" She yelled, "There's something massive down there!"

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Zapdos yelled, checking a different monitor.

It slammed into the Libra again, sending water flying onto the deck. At this point, they noticed that an intense wind and storm had picked up. There was no sun, and flashes of lightning illuminated the sky.

"Oh my god," Articuno said, "It can't be..."

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"A beast we've only heard of through legends," Articuno said, a quiver in her voice, "One that rivals shadow Lugia in its storm-creation and destruction. Years ago, when then worlds were split into regions, a group of humans attempted to use this beast to cover the entire Earth in water."

A massive shadow appeared in the water ahead of them, getting bigger as the creature began to surface. With a massive splash, the creature leapt out of the water, revealing its massive size.

 With a massive splash, the creature leapt out of the water, revealing its massive size

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"Primal Kyogre..."

Everyone watched in awe, as Primal Kyogre charged up an Origin Pulse, and launched it at an island, destroying it in an instant. Articuno frantically hit buttons on the control panel, as parts began to move.

"Deploying Countermeasures!"

Two guns came out of the sides of the bow, firing rounds at Kyogre. It only seemed to piss of the beast, as it slammed into the Libra, denting the hull and making everyone fall to the ground.

Articuno fell and hit the control panel, slamming down a bunch of buttons. One of these buttons dropped the anchor, which fell into the water.

Kyogre began to circle the boat, taking pot shots when the opportunity arose. One such pass, the anchor managed to hook under Kyogre's fin, and she took off through the water.

"Hold on!"

The boat surged forwards, as they were dragged through the water by Primal Kyogre.

There was a flash of thunder, and Articuno turned her attention to the deck. A shadowy figure stood on the edge, looking down into the water.

The figure smirked, and jumped into the air, beginning to glow.

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