Chapter 54: Reunited Part 6

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*Third Person POV*


Iris screamed, as  everyone watched in horror. Y/n was turned towards them, and could not  see the blade that was swinging towards him.

Yveltal grinned, feeling his victory coming. Billions of years led to this very moment, when he finally killed Y/n Lugia.

Y/n turned quickly, raising his blade to defend himself. He was too slow, as the blade came closer and closer to his neck.

When suddenly, there was a flash of green light.

When the light died down, everyone turned to the space between Yveltal and Y/n, which was now occupied. The guy standing between them looked to be in his teenage years, had green hair, and was wearing a kimono. He carried a harp, and had blocked Yveltal's sword with his hand.

"Yveltal," The green haired boy said, "Your reign of terror comes to end now, before it can even begin

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"Yveltal," The green haired boy said, "Your reign of terror comes to end now, before it can even begin."

"Who are you!?" Yveltal yelled, "And how dare you get in my way!"

Yveltal drew back his sword to cut the boy down, but the boy kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back. The boy began floating in the air, strumming his harp.

Vines shot out of the trees and grabbed onto Yveltal's arms, legs, and torso, holding him up and tying him tight. The boy axe kicked Yveltal, causing his head to snap forward.

A vine shot out and grabbed Yveltal's neck, holding his head up. The boy walked over and grabbed his hair,m pulling roughly.

"For all the pain you've caused," He growled, "And all you will, I condemn you to death!"

He pulled out a knife that shined with a pink aura. He brought it down on Yveltal's chest, impaling it through his heart. The life drained from Yveltal's eyes, and the boy fell to the ground.

"I did it," The boy said tiredly, "I fulfilled my promise."

"No quite."

Yveltal looked back up, and the vines turned to ash. He stood up straight, rubbing his arms where the vines were.

"I gotta say kid, that was impressive," He taunted, "But whoever you made the promise to, they're going to be mighty disappointed."

Yveltal raised his sword high, ready to cut the boys head clean off.

He brought the blade down, and the boy closed his eyes, preparing for death. Only for the blade to be stopped in midair, as Y/n stood between them.

"Listen foolish boy," He growled, "Attacking Yveltal was utterly stupid, and we will be getting an explanation later. But for now, get to safety!"

Y/n fell to the ground and swept Yveltal's legs out from under him, making him fall to the ground. Y/n raised his blade high, and brought it down, only to hit the dirt as Yveltal rolled away. Yveltal grabbed him from behind and threw him into a tree, causing it to crash and fall.

Y/n growled, and stood up. He picked up the tree and slammed it into Yveltal. He grabbed his blade and ran at Yveltal, and the two locked blades.

"Yveltal," Y/n growled, "I'll kill you!"

Yveltal just laughed, "Maybe another day Lugia. Then I promise, you will join your sister in the grave!"

Yveltal fell backwards, disappearing into a portal of pure black. As he diapered, Y/n made his sword disappear, and fell to the ground.

"Let's go back to Beacon," He said, "I need an explanation."

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