Chapter 29: Fathers and Daughters

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*Y/n POV*

I sat at the side of Articuno's bed, the full moon having taken it's place in the night sky. Celebi was asleep in a chair against the wall, a blanket covering him. I looked at Articuno, and placed my hand on hers, closing my eyes.

"Please Articuno," I begged, "Wake up."

I felt something weakly grabbed my arm, and I opened my eyes. Articuno had wrapped a hand around my arm, her bright blue eyes staring into mine.



I wrapped my arms around her, and held her softly. She weakly wrapped her arms around me, and we sat there for a while, doing nothing but enjoying each other's presence.

"Dad..." She whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry..."

I split, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Moltres, Zapdos..." She said, "We went to fight Yveltal... I couldn't save them..."

I held her tightly, as she began to cry into my shoulder.

"It's alright," I said calmly, "You're safe now. Don't worry about the past."

I let go of her, and tucked the blanket around her.

"You need to rest."

She grabbed my arm, and held on.

"Please, don't go..."

I held her hand, and sat back down next to her.

"I won't leave your side ever again."

She leaned her head back, and I leaned back in my chair, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Never again."


*Iris POV*

I walked down the hall, early in the morning, heading towards the infirmary. I was going to check on Y/n, Celebi, and Articuno, to see if she has woken up.

On my way, I saw Prof. Ozpin standing in the halls, drinking his coffee. He was looking out the window, and I stopped near him.

"Good Morning Professor."

"Hmm?" He turned around, surprised, "Oh, good morning Iris."

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just enjoying my coffee," He said, "And thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

He took a sip, "The past. How I got here."

"Professor, I'm confused," I said, "What do you mean?"

"There are things about this world, well kept secrets," He said, "Ancient gods, the origin of Grimm, etc. All are things most have yet to find the answers to."

"Sir, if you don't mind my interjection," I said, "I like to to believe that the answers are out there somewhere. Grimm didn't come out of nowhere, and we know that the ancient gods still exist today. So I feel like if we continue to poke at it, we'll find the answers. We just have to keep searching."

He took a sip of coffee, "Interesting view. I think I'll continue ruminating on this."

"Okay Professor," I said, "I'm going to visit the infirmary."

"Ah yes, tell me if Articuno is okay," He said, "Though you may want to get Celebi some food."

I laughed, "I'll consider it."

*Ozpin POV*

I smiled, as I watched Iris leave. She truly was the best daughter I could've hoped for. It's a shame I can't tell her yet.

I want to, I truly do. It could have disastrous affects.

I took a sip of my coffee, as I looked out over the forest.

"She's a lot like you, S/n," I said, "I think she's going to turn out wonderfully."

I could see the sun slowly rising over the hills, as it felt like S/n was smiling down on me.

"Good morning, S/n."

*Third Person POV*

Iris walked into the infirmary, getting the attention of the three godly inhabitants.

"Iris, good morning." Y/n said.

"Good morning Uncle Y/n," She responded, "It's nice to meet you, Articuno."

Articuno giggled into her hand, and looked Iris up and down.

"Wow Iris," She said, "You've really grown."

"We've met before?" Iris asked.

"You wouldn't remember me," She said, "We met when you were a baby. A little over a month after your birth."

"Wow," Iris said, "Well, it's good to see you again."

"Well, now that introductions are out of the way," Y/n said, "I'm hungry. Anyone else?"

"I am." Articuno answered.

"I could eat,"Iris answered, I think there's pancakes this morning."


Celebi shot out of his chair, waking up in a moment. He looked around for a moment, and got disappointed that there was no pancakes.

He then noticed Articuno was awake, and shot over to her, flying into a hug.



The two hugged each other, and Y/n chuckled.

"Come on guys," He said, standing up, "Let's go get some food."

He helped Articuno get out of the bed, and she nearly fell down to the ground. Y/n caught her, and wrapped his arms around her, helping her walk.

"It's okay, I got you."

"Thanks Dad."

With that, the strange family walked towards the cafeteria, to get some pancakes.

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