Chapter 66: Legendary Mission Part 4

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*Y/n POV*

"How are you both here?"

In front of us, standing in a blue light, were Groudon and Arceus. It seemed surreal, seeing them after so many years.

"Y/n," Arceus said, walking towards me, "We have much to discuss. Come, let us leave the lovers to their own."

He wrapped an arm around me, though I felt no weight. It was as if there was nothing really there, though I ignored it and walked alongside him.

"Arceus," I said softly, as we walked down a hall, "How are you here? Why are you here? Where have you been?"

"Y/n, please slow down," He urged, "Explanations will come."

He led me deeper down the hall, until we turned into a nearby room. I noticed the blue light bathed this room as well, and Arceus stood in front of me. He gestured at the walls, and shelves began to come out, each section covered in dusty books.

"Within these halls is knowledge that would put even Heaven's Vault to shame," He explained, "All information from our time lives on in these rooms."

I scanned the dusty books, brushing off the old covers. Many of the books were so old the covers were fraying and falling off, decaying from age and wear. I noticed a piece of paper that was stained yellow with age, and pulled it out from between two books.

It was a map, and I gently unfolded its tattered edges. The top was marked with big, fancy letters, spelling "Map of Johto and Kanto".

I folding the map back up and slipped it into my jacket, before turning back to Arceus. He smiled at me and said, "Like the place?"

Something was off, I could tell, so I replied, "Definitely. It reminds me of when you first showed me your plans for the Heaven's Vault."

"Yes, yes," He replied, "Such a happy memory."

I that point, my suspicions were confirmed. Arceus had never shown me the plans to the Heaven's Vault, preferring to keep those secret. I hadn't seen the Heaven's Vault before anyone else, despite being one of Arceus' closest confidants.

Whatever betrayal and shock I was feeling, I didn't let it show, nodding along with Arceus and carrying conversation. He was blabbing on about how he had saved most of the knowledge of humans and gods alike in these halls, and how he hid himself here to avoid Yveltal's attacks.

"Quite brave, Arceus," I fake agreed, "Quite brave indeed."

"Yes, of course," He said, his ego inflating, "As Creator of all, I decided that should be my duty to collect all knowledge, and keep it safe so as to ensure that..."

As he droned on, inflating his ego to levels I had never thought possible, I slowly walked behind him. He never noticed, as I brought out my sword and slashed it across his midsection.

My sword merely passed straight through, as it turned to blue dust. The dust returned, the blue light shining brighter.

"Y/n, what are you doing?!"

"My Lord Arceus never showed me the plans to the Heaven's Vault, and he'd never allow his anger to get the large!"

He sighed deeply, "Damn, guess I can't keep you any longer. It's time to seal this tomb, once more."

The ground and walls began to shake, dust falling from every stone. I stumbled and fell into the shelves, falling to the ground.

"Y/n! HELP!" Kyogre screamed.

"No..." I said, "I can't... die... here..."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now