Chapter 62: Meloetta Explains

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*Y/n POV*

I placed the glass of milk in front of Meloetta and she grabbed it with both hands. She lifted it to her mouth and took a sip, before bringing down and left out a deep breath.

"Thank you Y/n," She said, "I've been very thirsty."

"No problem Meloetta, it's just good to have you around after so long."

I sat down on the couch, next to Iris who sat next to me and Velnas, who leaned against the side of the couch. Present Celebi sat next to Meloetta, Future Celebi sat on a nearby recliner. We all relax for a second, and I leaned forward.

"So, Meloetta," I said, "Where were you? How'd you get here?"

"Of course," Meloetta began, "It all started after Yveltal took over the Unova Region..."


*Meloetta POV*

"L-lord Arceus," I called out,as I arrive at Heaven's Vault, "You called for me?"

"Ah yes," I heard Lord Arceus call from one of the racks, "Please, come back here!"

I walked towards the rack, looking up to see the name marked on the side. It belonged to Celebi, who had gone to sleep with Y/n after the Johto Region was destroyed.

"Lord Arceus," I said, bowing, "What is the problem sir?"

He sighed, and placed a thick book on the rack. It had a dark leather cover, but I wasn't able to read the title as Arceus put it onto the shelf.

"Meloetta, I'm sorry to here about what happened."

"T-thank you, sir."

"But," He said, looking me in the eye, "We may have lost the battle, but we haven't lost the war."

"What do you mean?"

"You, Celebi, Y/n, and Iris are my aces. My secret weapon," He explained, "And you shall play a large part."

"Whatever my part to play sir," I said, determined, "I will do it with enthusiasm."

He chuckled, "Thank you very much. You give me hope for the future."

He reached into a rack that was higher than I could see, and pulled down a large wooden box. He pulled out a key and unlocked the box, lifting the lid. He reached in and pulled out a harp, with what looks like Celebi's head on it.

"I need you to give this to Celebi when you see him next," Arceus said, "This is one of the most important things I can give you now. Please, take care of yourself."

"Wait, where should I go?!"

He brought his hand up, and a portal opened up in front of me. Without question, I said my goodbyes and walked through the portal.

{Flashback Over}

"...After that, all I can remember is a flash of light and I appeared on that hill," Meloetta finished, "Also, here Celebi, take this."

A harp appeared out of nowhere, and Celebi took it. He gave it a few strums, letting out a heavenly melody.

"Thanks, Meloetta!"

They hugged and Celebi began to strum at the harp. It wasn't as good as Future Celebi's playing, but it was quite beautiful.

"Y/n," Meloetta got my attention again, "Where's Reshy and Zekrom? I wanna talk to them again. And how long as it been? The world has changed so much since the last time I came to the Johto Region."

Everybody, collectively, took in a sharp breath. She was talking about her family and friends, all of whom died many years ago. I stood up, and sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Meloetta," I said, "It's been millions, possibly billions, of years. Everyone else... they were killed by Yveltal."

"Y/n," Meloetta said, her voice cracking, "That isn't funny! Where are they?!"

I looked and took her eyes and shook my head somberly, and she burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her, patting her lightly on the back.

"It's okay, it's okay," I soothed, "Let it all out."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now