Chapter 9: First Day

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Hey everybody it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

Okay, I have two announcements to make. First is that I will not be able to update for a week or so, because I will not be able to us my computer. The reason why is my second announcement.

I will be moving to Houston Texas! I'm actually looking forward to this move, since I love Texas and the Houston area. I will be moving in a few days, and should have my computer back in two or three days after I get there.

Anyway, I got nothing else.

See ya in another life Brotha!

*Y/n POV*

I walked through the halls the next day, Celebi flying behind me. He was eating a pancake, which we had gotten that morning for breakfast.

We arrived at the classroom, and I opened the door, walking inside. I saw Goodwitch inside.

"Good morning Ms.Goodwitch."

"Oh, good morning Y/n, good morning Celebi."

"Good morning!" Celebi said cheerfully.

She giggled a bit, which I found cute, and then she turned to me.

"Anyway," She said, fixing her glasses, "Today we're going to have the students spar, so there won't be much we have to do. All we have to do is make sure they don't kill each other."

"Sounds good to me." I replied.

"Well, class should be starting soon, so let's get ready."

We began class, and for the most part, everything was fine. Students sparred all day, and I didn't have to do crap. Celebi kept getting food out of nowhere, just sitting in the back of class.

I had also been watching Goodwitch throughout class, and I have to say, she's probably the most beautiful human I've seen in forever. Everything about her was beautiful, her hair, her face, her glasses, not to mention her body. She was also incredibly smart, and a great teacher.

Anyway, it was our last class of the day, and this class had team RWBY, Team JNPR, and Iris in it. I had been watching the matches, and I saw why Iris was able to hold her own against me before. She was the best fighter in the class, though Pyrrah was a close second. The two of them had fought, and Iris managed to win.

I had also been watching the young warrior, Jaune. I have figured that Shadow Lugia must have destroyed his weapon, hence why he didn't have one. I saw he was being bullied by that other boy, Cardin Winchester, I learned his name was.

"Okay, there's time for one more match," Goodwitch announced, "Who would like to take it?"

I saw Cardin raise his hand.

"Mr.Winchester, who would you like to fight?"

He pointed straight at me, "I would like to fight him."

Goodwitch looked at me, "Is that a good idea?"

"It's fine. I won't kill him... probably." I answered.

She sighed, "Fine. Mr.Winchester, you will be fighting Y/n."

I stepped into the arena, and after a few minutes, he came out, carrying his mace.

"You can do it Big Bro!" Celebi cheered, pumping his fists in the air.

"You got this!" I heard Nora yell.

"Go Y/n!" That was Ruby.

"Take him down Y/n!" I heard Iris call.

'Well, my niece is telling me to win, I can't lose now.'

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now