Chapter 57: Celebi's Past

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

Going out of town for a little while, so this will be the last chapter for a week or so.

See ya in another life Brotha!

[Three Days Away From The Murder Of Y/n Lugia]

*Celebi POV*

I floated through the halls of Beacon, chewing on a fresh pancake I had gotten from the cafeteria.

Nora and I had raided the kitchen and found a whole stack of pancakes, conquering them for ourselves.

I flew past Iris, Jaune, Ruby, and Yang, waving as I passed by. Everything seemed so happy, as the sun shone across the Emerald Forest. It was hard to imagine that Yveltal was still out there, with the harmony in the world as it is.

As I was looking at the forest, I could hear a familiar song in my mind. It was the song Meloetta used to play when she visited my shrine.


Meloetta sung a sweet and happy tune, one that spread throughout the forest. I sat at the edge of my shrine, swinging my legs happily and humming along.

When she finished, Meloetta stood next to me.

"How was that?" She asked, "Did you like it?"

"I loved it!" I cheered, "Your singing is the best!"

"T-thank you Celebi," Meloetta said, "That means a lot. There's not many other people who listen to me."

"I'll listen to you whenever you want! Just come visit me!"

Meloetta sprung up and hugged me tightly, and I felt my face heat up.

"Thank you so much Celebi."

"N-no problem."

{Flashback Over}

[Two Days After Y/n's Murder]

*Third Person POV*

The funeral and ceremony were finished, and Celebi was left alone at the site of Y/n's grave, a lone headstone at the top of a hill. The hill was bathed in sunlight, as if S/n was welcoming her brother to join her. He sat there, his knees tucked into his chest, as he sobbed onto his older brother's grave.

"B-big Bro," He cried weakly, "Why'd you have t-to l-leave?"

As his tears poured onto the dirt, he could hear the familiar tune once again. Except this time, it was stronger and louder. He turned to his right, and a familiar girl stood there, standing beside a tree.

(A/n: Wattpad isn't letting me put pictures, weird. Just imagine a green haired girl in a black dress.)

"Meloetta," Celebi said, "You're... alive?"

"Yes," Meloetta said, waling over, "Sorry I couldn't come fast enough. I could've saved Y/n."

"No," Celebi said, hugging her, "No one could've stopped Yveltal. N-no one."

Celebi began to cry into Meloetta's shoulder, as she rubbed his back. They stood there in the sun, as a new age dawn in the war between Chaos and Harmony.

[Ten Years Later]

The world has fallen apart.

Yveltal, having killed Y/n, has taken over the world and is looking for a way to replicate the key holder's power to free Lord Darkness. A small resistance had formed, but was crushed down to its last two soldiers.

Celebi and Meloetta stood back to back, as Yveltal's soldiers slowly closed in on them. They were stuck, preparing for a fight.

Celebi held his harp at the ready, a gift from his beloved Meloetta, whose name was carved into its side. Meloetta was better at support, but could fight when necessary.

It was pointless for them to fight, as they were swiftly defeated by Salem herself. Meloetta was wrapped in chains, and Celebi was forced to the ground.

"Yveltal," Celebi growled, watching a figure step from a portal, "I'll kill you!"

Yveltal just laughed, "Just like I killed your brother, I'll kill your spirit. And then you'll give me all the power I need."

Yveltal pulled out his sword and swung it around a bit, walking toward Meloetta.

"And to start destroying your world..."

Yveltal raised his blade high, and brought it down swiftly, slicing Meloetta's head off in a single chops.

"NO! MELOETTA!" Celebi cried.

Yveltal grabbed Celebi's chin and turned him to face him.

"Your world is mine to do as I see fit," Yveltal taunted, "Resistance is futile. Long live Darkness."

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