Chapter 52: Reunited Part 4

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*Third Person POV*

Y/n, Glynda, and Winter ran into Ozpin's office, seeing the man himself sitting at the desk. Teams RWBY and JNPR and Iris and Kyogre were there as well.

"Gold," Y/n said, walking in, "What's the problem?"

"Yveltal," Ozpin said, "He's been spotted in Emerald Forest."

"What?!" Iris shouted, "This close?!"

"It would appear he's getting desperate." Y/n observed.

"That, or he's got a plan," Glynda added, "At which point, we'd be playing right into his hands."

"Well," Jaune interjected, "What do we do? We can't just let him go, right?"

"No, we can't," Gold said, "Which is why I'm sending all of you after him. Y/n, Iris, Jaune, Kyogre, you four will be the ones to attack him, the rest of you will be support. Good Luck."


*Y/n POV*

Iris, Jaune, and I led the group through the forests, our weapons drawn and pointed at any sound we heard or movement we saw. Everyone seemed very jumpy, understandably, as our most feared opponent was right around here.

Iris and Jaune seemed angry, which was also understandable. They had both lost their mothers to Yveltal, and had their worlds turned upside down. But that anger would make them easily manipulated, which meant it would be up to me to kill Yveltal.

To be fair, I have my own anger at Yveltal, and desire to see him killed. But I have to keep a level head, or I'll never be able to avenge S/n.

I began to sense something, and pointed my bow towards a tree. I fired an arrow, and it stuck into the trunk.

"Show yourself." I ordered.

Everyone else pointed their weapons at the tree, as the student with the hoodie appeared. I waked up and held my sword at his throat.

"I knew I sensed something off about you," I growled, "Yveltal."

I pulled his hood down, revealing a head of white hair and glowing red eyes. He sighed, and began to speak.

"I would've expected more from the God Of The Seas," He said, "But I'm not Yveltal."

"Bullshit," Kyogre growled, "You look just like him. I say we kill this guy just to be safe."

"Okay," He said, "But just know that you'll never be able to defeat Yveltal without me."

I raised an eyebrow and glared at him, "What do you mean?"

"How about we make a deal?" He offered, "If you don't kill me, I'll tell you all I know."

I held my blade against his neck, "How about you tell us, and I'll decide if your life is worth it."

"Fair enough," He agreed, "I'm Yveltal's son."

*Third Person POV*

Everyone's eyes went wide, and Y/n tightened his grip on his sword.

"Go on."

"I was made to be a perfect counter to your children, the legendary birds," The white haired boy explained, "Meaning that my powers are equal to theirs. They should be, since Yveltal completely based me off of her."

He pointed at Articuno, who was completely shocked.

"Yveltal saw your power when you fought him, and wanted a way to control that power for himself," The boy explained, "Seeing as how you locked yourself in that cave, he decided to create me."

Y/n lowered his sword slowly, as everyone watched the boy carefully get off the tree.

"Why are you here?" He asked, "Why help us?"

"Simple," The boy said, "I hate my old man. He put me through torture, hell, whatever you call it. And now I want revenge."

"Good enough reason as any," Y/n said, "Not like we're any better. Got a name, kid?"

"Velnas," He said, "Pleasure to meet you all."

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, but Y/n held out a hand. They shook hands, and Velnas leaned in.

"Thanks," He whispered, "I know you have no reason to trust me."

"It's not trust I feel," Y/n whispered back, "But just a feeling I got."

"Let's keep going," Y/n called, "Yveltal's out there somewhere. If we're lucky, we'll be back before lunch."

And so, the group took off deeper into the forest.

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