Chapter 17: Sword Of Justice

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*Y/n POV*

"Just a little bit farther!"

I protected the section of my face that the cloth wrapped around my face left unprotected, as I lead Jaune and Iris through the desert outside of Vacuo. We had just ran into a massive sandstorm, slowing our movement.

"Uncle Y/n, we can't go any further!" Iris yelled back, protected by her own face cloth, "This sandstorm is too rough!"

"No, we can't! It's all a test! They set it up!" I yelled back.

Jaune remained silent, following behind me, with his own cloth. He protected his eyes from the sand, as we trudged forward through the storm.

Finally, the storm seemed to let up, as we pushed through the last of it, seeing that we were in the eye of what appeared to be the sand hurricane.

I pulled the face cloth down, revealing the rest of my face, as everyone did the same. We all stopped and looked around, noticing nothing.

"Is this it?" Jaune asked, "Where is it?"

I walked around a bit, before my foot hit something. I kneeled down and rubbed the sand off it and saw a small stone tablet, with the language of the gods written on it.

"Hey guys," I said, and they came over.

I began to read, "Virizion's challenge: Son of the sword of justice, who comes millions of years past. Should you seek the sword you were destined to wield, the source of life shall be your guide."

Suddenly, water began to shoot out of a hole in the ground, creating a small pond. Trees began to grow rapidly, creating a path from us to the spring. Grass also came out of the ground, and the area seemed full of life.

"Wow..." Jaune said.

"Incredible." Iris said.

I started to walk forward, as they followed.

"Virizion must have created this," I said, "No one else could have."

"Well, that still doesn't help," Jaune said, "Where do we go?"

"Simple," Iris answered, "'...the source of life will be your guide.' What's the source of life?"

Jaune shrugged, but I saw where she was going with this.

"Water," I answered, "We have to go into the pond."

We all walked up to the end of the pond, where we could see the bottom. Iris looked at us and then jumped in, immediately disappearing, showing the bottom to just be an illusion.

"Uh Y/n?" Jaune said, "Is"

I looked at him, "Listen, you like my niece, don't you?" He nodded meekly, "Then grow a pair and jump."

He turned and jumped into the pond, and I rubbed my head.

"Oh Arceus, S/n would be disappointed."

I then jumped in after them. I fell straight down for at least a minute or so, before being launched out of the water, landing on my feet. I looked up, and saw Iris and Jaune, drying their clothes off with Iris' fire.

"Alright, let's continue." I said.

We walked deeper into the cave, and it got darker. I grabbed a torch off the wall and handed it to Iris, as she lit it and handed it back.

I swung the torch around, seeing pillars, bricks, and inscriptions everywhere, although most were useless. We walked deeper into the cave, and we ended up in a massive room, and I put the torch into a wall holder, and all the lights in the room lit up mysteriously.

"There it is." I said, "The sword of justice."

Up on a massive pedestal was a sword, with the blade stuck into the ground. I looked towards Jaune.

"Well Jaune, go get it."

He walked up to the sword, and grabbed it,  and started to pull as the whole cave began to shake. Statues came to life out of the wall, massive humans carrying weapons, made of stone. They seemed to be alive through some sort of magic.

Iris and I began to fight the statues, slicing and shooting the statues, slowly breaking them apart. They were too strong though, slowly pushing us back into a corner.

"Jaune hurry! Get the sword!" I yelled, blocking another slice.

*Third Person POV*

"Jaune! Help!" Iris called out, as she was struck by a blow.

Her words echoed through Jaune's head, as he ripped the sword from it's pedestal and teleported behind the guards, slicing them in half with the new sword.

Her words echoed through Jaune's head, as he ripped the sword from it's pedestal and teleported behind the guards, slicing them in half with the new sword

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The guard he sliced fell to pieces, as Jaune leaned down and checked Iris.

"Iris, are you alright?" He said concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," She said, "Just need to rest."

Y/n slumped against the wall, dropping his sword.

"Well Jaune," He said, "Don't doubt me know, do you?"

Jaune nodded and turned to the other statue, which was returning to the wall, turning back into a statue.

Suddenly there was a bright glow where the sword used to be, and a woman stepped out.

"Coballion." Y/n said.

"Hello Y/n and Iris," She said, before looking at Jaune, "My baby boy."

She began to cry, and put a hand on Jaune's cheek. She then hugged him tightly, as he returned it.


"Jaune, I'm so glad to see you again," She said, "I'm sorry I can't be with you in person."

"In person?" Iris asked, "But you're right there."

"Ah, always the observant one, Iris. But in truth, I am not the real Coballion. The real Coballion put her consciousness here, waiting for the day you'd come to find her sword."

"Then what happened to her?" Y/n asked.

"Yveltal killed her," Coballion said, "In this very room."

Y/n looked around, and seemed to almost barf.

"Do not worry, she wasn't buried here," She followed up, "Terrakion and Virizion removed her body and gave her a proper burial, before going to fight Yveltal. They-"

"And they died," Y/n finished, "I know. I help bury their bodies. Never knew where Coballion's was though."

"Well, son," She said, turning back to Jaune, "While it's been amazing to see you again... I have to leave."

"What?! Why?!" Jaune asked, "I have so much I need to ask you!"

"I'm sorry son," She said, "But my time is short."

She began to disappear, slowly turning to a glowing dust.

"Goodbye Jaune, I hope you do great things."

She kissed Jaune on the forehead, before disappearing completely.

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