Chapter 59: Meloetta Part 2

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*Third Person POV*

Y/n turned to his right, walking down the hall and away from the window he was looking at. As he did, he whistled the tune that he remembered from long ago.

It wasn't long until the entirety of Beacon's courtyards were empty, the students all in class or sleeping in. Those few slackers who weren't going to class were already on their way into Vale or disappeared into their dorms.

Of course, there were two slackers, technically one, who were doing neither.

Present and Future Celebi floated through Beacon, their short statures compared to everyone else allowing them easy ways throughout the school. They were chomping down on whatever breakfast foods were left after the students had left the cafeteria.

The two were laughing and chatting among each other. As you can probably guess, they get along rather well. It's easy to get along with someone who is literally the exact same as you.

"Hey little me, watch this!" Future Celebi said, using his new nickname for his younger self.

Future Celebi shot up into the air, going faster and faster. Eventually he stopped flying, letting his momentum carry him higher and higher. When he was far above the tip of Beacon tower, his momentum finally began to die out. As it was, he began to flip backwards.

Suddenly, he stopped. A bright green light was coming from the hill that Y/n was looking at before. Future Celebi attempted to make it so he could see it, twisting his torso and flailing his arms around. Despite being older, he was still Celebi, and lacked the calm rational of his older brother.

Future Celebi flailed into the ground, falling head first into the dirt. As he pulled himself up, wiping the dirt from his face, Present Celebi walked up to him, eating a waffle one piece at a time. He looked really cute. I don't know, use your imagination.

"Was that supposed to be impressive, Old Me?" He said, chomping into the waffle.

"It was," Future Celebi said, "But... something distracted me."

"Really? What was it?"

"I'm not quite sure," He said, "Come on, let's go find out."

The two Celebi's began to fly off, the younger version flying behind the older one, who took off quickly towards the strange light on the hill.

"It can't be..."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now