Chapter 37: A Clue

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*Y/n POV*

"So, why are you going, Dad?" Moltres asked.

"I got a clue on what Yveltal is doing," I said, "I'm going to go investigate."

"Well, be safe, Dad." Articuno said.

"Call us if you need help!" Zapdos said.

I walked out of the door, waving over my shoulder. Celebi flew over to me and floated near me.

"So Big Bro, where are we going?" He asked.

"I want you to stay here," I said, "It's going to be dangerous."


"No buts," I said, "Stay here."

"Okay," He said, "But you better be safe."

"I will."

He flew inside, and I walked out into the courtyard. I went over to the Bullheads, where Winter and Glynda were waiting for me.

"You be safe, okay?" Winter said.

"I will," I kissed them both, "I'll be back soon."

"Love you." Glynda said.

I walked onto the Bullhead, turning back to see Team RWBY, my kids, Celebi, Team JNPR, and Iris watching me.

I noticed Iris couldn't meet my gaze, as I glared at her. The Bullhead began to rise, cutting off my view as the door shut.


I got out of the Bullhead, walking away as it flew off. I pulled out my sword, and followed a path. It lead through the forest, toward a small town where an ancient secret was kept.

A godly secret.

I stopped, as I saw the entire village was burning. I ran in, seeing dead bodies and burning buildings.

"Oh my Arceus..." I looked around in horror, "What happened here?"

"Oh, I missed one!"

I barely dodged an attack from my left, as someone launched out of nowhere. I got a good look at the person, seeing a strange human.

 I got a good look at the person, seeing a strange human

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"Who the f*ck are you!?" I yelled, "Did you do this!?"

"You're Y/n Lugia!" He yelled, "Lord Yveltal will be so happy if I kill you!"

"Yveltal? Where is he!?"

He lunged at me, attacking with his wrist blades. I blocked with my sword, and he slashed at me again. I stabbed at him, but he jumped over my blade.

"Holy shit!" I yelled.

He punched me, and released a flurry of attacks. I blocked what I could, but he hit the vast majority of times.

I broke his flurry and kicked him, sending him flying into a wall that was half fallen. He fell to the ground, pulling himself up weakly.

"Damn..." He said, "You're tougher than you look..."

I grabbed him and lifted him to my face.

"Tell Yveltal, I'm coming for him."

I threw him back to the ground, and he took off in a run. I watched him run, and looked around.

"What the hell did Yveltal see here?" I asked.

Suddenly, something hit me. It felt like a wave of energy had filled me, and I noticed it came from a hole in the ground.

"What the f*ck?"

I walked over and jumped into the hole, which led into a deep cave system.

"Well," I said, looking around, "Let's find out what's going on here."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now