Chapter 65: Legendary Mission Part 3

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*Y/n POV*

Kyogre and I walked through the tunnel, examining the walls around us. There was nothing extremely interesting about the walls, other than that they were made of limestone bricks that must've weighed at least a thousand pounds. There were no markings, no carvings, and no secret messages, which was weird, considering every other strange place I went to nowadays.

Kyogre was oddly silent, much like myself. I can tell she's feeling like I am, weirded the f*ck out. Comes with the territory, really.

"Y/n," She said, cutting through the silence and moldy air, "What do you think is down here?"

"F*ck if I know," I sighed, "Honestly, I've just learned to go along with this type of shit."

"Really? Why in Arceus' name would you do that?"

"Led me to you, didn't it?"

She shrugged, "True."

We kept walking along, running our hands along the wall so that we could see. As we did, I felt the wall expand, and then there was an opening like a doorway.

"Kyogre," I said, "This is a doorway. There's a room through here."

"Let's check it out."

We stepped through the doorway, and all of a sudden our eyes were assaulted with light. Torches around the room began to light, two at a time going around the room symmetrically. The room was revealed to be a massive space made completely of limestone bricks, perfectly designed to stand the test of time. I could recognize this architecture from anywhere at anytime.

"The Ruins of Alph," I said, "What the hell?"

"Not the Ruins," Kyogre said, "But someone definitely took some inspiration from them. This is built almost the exact same way."

"That means it's something for us," I observed, "Let's keep moving."

I walked around the room, seeing a small doorway on the other side. We walked through the doorway, and began to look around. Kyogre went to one side of the room, examining something on the walls and I went to the center of the room, noticing a symbol on a panel in the ground.

I looked down on it and easily recognized it as a carving of a Unknown L. I pushed it down and the panel suck into the ground, causing the walls to shake again.

"Not again!"

Instead of a wall falling down this time, a small panel high on the wall dropped down slowly, revealing a small aperture behind it. The aperture began to glow bright blue, and two beams shot down to the ground right in front of me.

I jumped back and pulled out my sword, preparing to fight whatever the hell this weird thing was. Kyogre stood next to me, her fists at the ready if the need to punch arose.

Suddenly, the glow began to turn into two familiar forms, making me drop my sword in shock.


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