Chapter 22: Atlas Part 1

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*Y/n POV*

I sat in a chair in my dorm, allowing the natural sunlight of early morning to illuminate Iris' book, I flipped the pages, reading about a trip she had taken to Kalos, to visit Zygarde.

Despite how boring most of this book really was, I had found something new.


My scroll started ringing, so I grabbed it. Opening it up, I red a text from Gold.

<Y/n, I need you up in my office.>

<On my way.>

With that I got out of my seat, walking out of my room.

I walked into the hallway, and began to make my way towards the elevator to Ozpin's office. As I was walking, I passed by Iris and Yang, who were sitting and laughing in the courtyard.

As I walked past, they waved at me, and I waved and smiled back.

I walked back into the building, heading for the elevator. I pressed the button and was sent up, standing with my hands behind my back.

As the door opened, I walked into the office, seeing Glynda, Gold, and two people I didn't recognize.

"Hey Oz," I said, "Who are these two?"

The man turned to me, sticking out his hand.

"Mr.Lugia," He said, as we shook hands, "My name is General Ironwood, from the Atlas military. Pleasure to meet you."

"Charmed," I replied, "And who are you?"

The second person came up, a woman with white hair.

"Specialist Winter Schnee," She introduced, "You know my sister, Weiss."

"Nice to meet you." I said, "Now, why do you two need me?"

"Well Mr.Lugia," Ironwood said, as Winter handed him a manila envelope, "These pictures were given to me a few days ago, apparently they showed up completely randomly at an Atlas military base."

"Well, what is it?" I asked.

"That's what's confusing," Ozpin said, "They don't look like anything man made. They look... legendary."

I looked him in the eye, before grabbing the file, opening it. I took out a few pictures, spreading them on the table.

They all showed the silhouette of a massive bird, flying above clouds, it's shadow showing to whoever was taking the pictures.

"Compare them to these, which were taken by an experimental Bullhead we were testing," Ironwood said, bringing out more pictures,  "It appears to be a massive bird of sorts. We'd call it a nevermore, but it's way too big, and nevermore don't typically go to that area."

"Okay," I said, "I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I think this may be connected to my research."

"Iris' book?" Glynda asked.

"Correct Glyn," I said, taking out the book, "My research shows that the place you call Atlas, was once known as the Kalos region."

I flipped the pages, finding the place I was in before, "More specifically, it was part of mountain Kalos, which was partially a desert."

"Wait, but Atlas today is covered in snow." Glynda said, "I understand that the world changed, Johto and Kanto became Vale, Whirlpool Islands moved thousands of miles, etc. But to my knowledge, Johto and Kanto were already forests for the most part. How do you explain an entire reversal of  weather like that?"

"That's what I strive to find out," I said, "In my time, there were multiple legendaries that could control the weather, and preferred to live in snowy areas. One of these legendaries could live in Atlas, and might be able to help us fight against Yveltal."

"So, will you help us?" Ironwood said.

"Sure, give me a day and I'll be ready to go."


After the meeting with Ironwood and Winter, I returned to my dorm to prepare, sliding my closet open.

I pulled out a scarf, gloves, and goggles. As I was doing that, Celebi came in, still wiping crumbs off his face.

"Big Bro?" He said, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to be going on a little trip. I'll be back in a few days."

"When do you leave?"


"Big bro?"


"Promise me you'll be safe?"

What he said made me pause, before flashing him a confident grin.

"Of course I will."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now