Chapter 70: A Day Alone

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*Y/n POV*

I walked along a beach alone, allowing myself to bask in the bright sun of midday. Gold had claimed the ruined temple as protected ground, and some Atlas soldiers that were still loyal to Winter were helping us keep it safe and hidden.

As I walked along the beach, bathed in the light, I couldn't help but remember what had happen all those trillions of years ago. What that old man and I had spoken of, the philosophizing and blabbering into the night,  and then his death.

I could remember pulling down the strangers hood... and calling him my student, but I couldn't remember what I had seen under there, hidden in the shadows.

Whatever it had been, I had long since locked it from my memory, and lost the key. Whether it was on purpose or accidental, that face had disappeared deep into the shadows it came from.

I stopped in place, feeling the sand beneath my bare feet. I felt much like that old man myself, wandering the beach alone, yet happy to be in the sun's warm glow.

It was then that I realized that what the old man was still true, even these many, in-countable amount of years later.

"Ho-oh sure knows how to give us gifts," He had said, "Gifts of life and beauty."

"Yes, she really does," I said with a smile on my face, "Even now."

I must be getting loopy in my ancient age, cause I could've sworn that I saw S/n looking down on me, waving her hand as if to usher me into heaven with her. Her ever-present smile was still there, and her beautiful wings formed a rainbow through the sky. I would've taken the hand, flown into the sky with her forever, but I could tell this was merely an illusion. Her had was not there, urging me into the sky, her wings were not a rainbow in the sky, but her smile...

Her smile was real. As it had always been and would always be, as  she watched over those of use left in the mortal realm.

She was waiting for me, that much I could tell. That, or my sanity is going. Either one, I don't want to be told if I'm right or not.

I felt a tear slowly crawl down my cheek, as I looked into the sun.

"I'll be there soon, S/n."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now