Chapter 24: Cold

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*Y/n POV*

I looked around the Bullhead, seeing the soldiers sitting all around me, their pitch black uniforms reminding me of the dead of night, the years I spent in hibernation.

"So Sergeant," I said, getting the man's attention, "What's your division called again?"

The man let out a grunt, "Division 7. God Killers."

"Huh. Interesting."

I leaned back, making sure not to let any of the men out of my sight. They were doing regular soldier crap, checking weapons, and sharpening knives. Something about these men had me on edge. Maybe it was the way their eyes looked, dead and cold, as if years of combat had made them cold to the act of killing. Perhaps it was the systematic movements they made, as if everything they did they had done for years.

I'll keep my eye out, but that's all I can do.

"Alright!" The pilot yelled, "We're entering the hurricane, strap in!"

I connected my straps, as the Bullhead began to shake violently. We were beginning to fly into the hurricane, which surrounded the cave. I held on tight, as the Bullhead began to fall out of the sky.

Our short free fall came to an abrupt end, as the Bullhead's wheel met the ground harshly. We were sent skidding across the ice, as the wheels snapped off. The Bullhead began to spin, before we came to stop.

"Oh Arceus," I said, "I'm gonna hurl."

"No time," The Sergeant said, "You gotta get to that cave."

I unbuckled my harness, and walked out of the bullhead, woozily. It was still intensely snowing outside, so I put on my goggles and scarf, as well as my gloves. It was still somewhat chilly, even through my coat.

"Listen up," I said, "You guys wait out here, I'll be back in an hour or so."

The men fanned out, walking around and holding their rifles. Some lit a fire, and others decided to smoke and drink by the Bullhead.


I walked over to the cave entrance, reading the plaque by the door.

"A warning to he who decided to disturb her sleep: Beware, for this is the resting place of the deity of cold, bringer of storms and ice."

I pulled out my bow, holding it at the ready.

"Well then," I said, "I'm coming in."

I walked into the cave, going through a tight hallway of rock. It eventually opened up, showing a large room, with massive boulders and ice floors.

"Oh Shit," I said, "Ice puzzles."


I pushed the last block into place, before sliding across the ice, bouncing and sliding off walls and blocks. After sliding around for a few minutes, I came to a solid patch of ground, where I nearly fell over.

"Thank Arceus."

I kept going deeper into the cave, following the icy walls of the cave.

"This is... incredible." I said, looking around.

The cave's walls were entirely made out of ice. It seemed to be glowing, shining with a source-less light.

I was practically walking backwards, making sure to see everything. It was then that I walked into a massive room, and I turned around.

There was a podium made of ice, upon which a single blue crystal was laying.

There was a podium made of ice, upon which a single blue crystal was laying

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"So," I said, picking it up, "It really is you."

I opened my coat and put the gem inside.

"I'm on my way."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now