Chapter 36: Family Issues

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

Okay, I wanna talk about something real quick, involving the stories. Specifically the appearances in the prologue.

I'll make this very clear.

You can look like however you want. The appearances are only how I see and will be writing the character. Honestly, I don't give a shit.

That's all I wanted to say. I've just been getting annoyed with a bunch of comments bitching about it.

See ya in another life Brotha!

*Y/n POV*

I pushed myself into a sitting position, stretching my arms and yawning. I could smell something cooking in the kitchen, and walked out of my room.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Celebi sitting at the table, while the triplets were cooking something.

"Morning Dad!" Zapdos called.

"Good morning kids." I replied.

I sat down next to Celebi. It's been about a week since Zapdos and Moltres woke up, and they had managed to settle down quite easily. Like Articuno, they didn't go to classes, but they helped me in class, and they went on a mission or two when Gold asked.

Other than that, we had begun to do things like a family. They were given a dorm across the hall from mine and Celebi's, so that they were close. We went to dinner, played games, and did what normal families do.

I heard a knock at the door, and got out of my seat. I walked over and opened the door, seeing Iris standing there.

"Hello Iris," I said, "What brings you here?"

"Hello Uncle Y/n," She said, "I need to... talk to you."

She didn't look me in the eye, and I knew something was up.

"Sure thing," I said, "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Let's go somewhere more private."

I followed her, as we walked down the hall. We went to an empty hallway, adn she leaned against the wall.

"Is it true?"

I was confused, "Is what true?"

"Is Ozpin my father?"

I was silent, my eyes wide. I froze up, shocked by what she said.

"So it is true," She said, "Then what I heard you guys talking about is real."

"You heard all that?" I asked.

"Yes, I was right outside the cafeteria."

"Listen, Iris," I said, "I wanted to tell you. I really did. But it wasn't my place. Gold needed to tell you himself, and he didn't. For whatever reason, I don't know."

"Why didn't you tell me then?!" She yelled, "You had all the opportunity in the world! We're supposed to be a family!"

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled back, "I have three kids of my own! I'm your uncle, not your damn father! Grow the hell up and stop whining about every little damn thing!"


"And another thing! I have to worry about saving the damn world! There is a god of ultimate chaos and evil out there! That same god killed all my friends and family! So how about you grow the f*ck up!"

I leaned in so our faces were close.

"The world isn't perfect. Grow up, and stop being a little bitch."

I turned and walked away, leaving her behind.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now