Chapter 16: Traveling

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*Y/n POV*

I stood in front of Iris and Jaune, both of whom had their bags packed. I had gotten to do a lot of upgrades on my ship, and she was looking marvelous.

"Ready to go kids?" I asked.

"Yep, let's go!" Iris said.

Once we had gotten everything on board, Glynda came up to me.

"You're going to Vacuo?" She asked.

"Yeah. S/n's diary points to Vacuo being the most likely area, so I figured we should start there."

She sighed, "Be safe, okay?"

"I will." I said, "Watch out for Celebi."

She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. We split a second later, and I got on the boat. I walked up to the helm, and looked out, seeing Iris and Jaune still talking to their teams.

I honked the horn and it blared, getting there attention.

"SeaLugia is taking off," I said into the mic, "Get on!"

They hopped on the ship, and I pulled out of the dock, as they waved to their friends. I saw Glynda watching from the shore, and she blew me a kiss. I waved to her as we pulled out of the bay.

After a second, Iris and Jaune came into the helm.

"So, what now?" Iris asked.

"Get comfortable kids. Rooms downstairs, cafeteria down the hall from there, get comfortable kids, it's a long trip."

They left the hull, but Iris stayed behind.

"Hey Uncle Y/n?"

"What's up?"

"I'm glad you're here to help Jaune," She said, "He probably needs it more than I did."

"Anytime, kiddo." I said, "Now, go to bed. You're mom wouldn't like you to stay up this late."

She laughed, "Good night, Uncle Y/n."

"Goodnight Kiddo."


I pulled the ship up to a Vacuo port, which was rather far from the main city of Vacuo.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I said, "This place is abandoned."

"Yep, that's Vacuo." Iris said, "The city is pretty much the same as the desert around it."

"Of course." I said, "Well, let's go."

With that, we began our trek through the desert, to find Vacuo.


We finally arrived. Panting and sweating, we walked into the town.

"Wow," Jaune said, "It's deserted around here."

"No kidding," Iris replied, "Where is everyone?"

I listened closely, and heard the sound of people. I followed it, leading me into a large market-like place, although there were only a few people, and they passed through shops quickly.

"Oh thank Oum," Jaune said, "Let's get inside!"

We rushed into a nearby store, getting out of the heat. I looked around and saw people looking at us.

"Uh... hello?" I said.

Everyone returned to what they were doing, and I walked up to the counter.

"I need clothes for trekking through the desert." I said.

"Just a moment sir."


We walked out of the store, wearing the think clothes and face clothes to protect us from the harsh desert winds.

"Okay," Iris said, "Now what?"

"I don't know."

We walked around town, getting weird stares from people, guess they don't see many outsiders. Eventually we came upon what looked like a city square, with an inscription plate written in my language.

"Terrakion's Challenge," I read, "Son of the sword of justice. The future of justice is in your hand. To find your way, follow the storm of sand."

I scratched my chin in thought, and Iris asked, "What does that mean?"

"Hey guys," Jaune called, "I think I found it."

I looked where he was looking, out into the desert. There was a massive sandstorm, no... sand HURRICANE, in the middle of the desert.

"Well then," I said, "That's where we go."

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