Chapter 32: Birds

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*Third Person POV*

Moltres and Zapdos turned and glared at Winter, who stood there with her blade out. Moltres' fist was surrounded in flames, and Zapdos' was engulfed in a ball of lightning. They ran at her and jumped, preparing to punch.

Winter held her hands above her head, trying to block the blasts.

Suddenly, there was a bright glow. In front of Winter, Y/n was shielding her from the fists. He held his blade in between him and the two birds, and bruises covered his face.

"You wanna play rough?" Y/n said cockily, "Then I'll show you what a real god can do!"

He pushed them back, and turned his blade into his bow. He pointed it at Moltres, and loaded an arrow. He let it go, and the arrow struck Moltres head on. It formed a massive whirlpool, and sucked in Moltres. He was sent spinning around, and then was thrown back out, landing in the sand.

Zapdos charged at Y/n, and reeled back his fist. He tried to punch Y/n, but he grabbed Zapdos' arm and lifted him over his head. He slammed Zapdos into the ground, sending a spray of sand flying into the air.

Y/n turned around and slammed his elbow into Moltres' head, who was attempting to attack him from behind. Moltres was sent flying sideways, and rolled away.

Zapdos attempted to get up and jumped on Y/n's back, but Y/n grabbed him and threw him into Moltres. The two birds rolled on the ground, and Y/n turned to Winter.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, thanks." She said.

"It's fine," Y/n responded, "We need to get these two-"

He was cut off as Moltres and Zapdos tackled him, dragging him to the ground. They rolled down the hill, and Y/n managed to throw Moltres and Zapdos off him.

All three jumped to their feet, and a white ursa tackled Zapdos. Y/n grabbed Zapdos and shot up into the air, before Batista bombing him back into the ground. He was out cold, and Y/n turned to Moltres, who had finished killing the Ursa.

Moltres' fists lit on fire, and he charged at Y/n. Y/n held up his arms and blocked the punches, before countering with a fist to the gut. He leg swiped Moltres to the ground, and attempted to kick him. Moltres rolled out of the way, and leapt to his feet.

He transformed and took off into the sky, as Y/n trailed behind. Y/n not only dwarfed the bird, but was much faster, and caught up in a minute. He struck Moltres with a hydro pump, and Moltres returned the attack with a flamethrower.

The two beams struck each other, and the respective beams fought against each other, the combatants straining themselves to defeat the other.

In the end, Lugia won. Moltres was struck head on, and was launched to the ground. He transformed back into a human, knocked out.

Y/n landed nearby, and transformed into a human. He looked over the two knocked out birds, and took a deep breath.

"You're safe now, boys."

"Y/n, are you okay?!"

He turned around, only to be tackle-hugged by Winter. They fell to the ground, and Y/n returned the hug.

"It's okay, we're all alive." He said calmly.

"I was worried about you!"

Y/n looked at her, and she began to cry into his chest. He felt incredibly awkward.

"It's okay," He said, "Nothing to worry-"

He was cut off, as Winter slammed her lips against his. He was alarmed, but slowly sunk into the kiss. After a few minutes, she backed away.

"What the hell are you two doing!?" A familiar, angry voice yelled.

"Oh shit," Y/n said, "Glynda, I swear, this isn't what it looks like!"

"Whatever you say, asshole!"

Glynda stomped off, and Y/n and Winter got off the ground, looking at who was there. Articuno and Iris were staring at him, disapprovingly.

"Oh come on!" Y/n yelled, "I didn't do anything!"

"I believe you Dad," Articuno said, "But she doesn't."

"I know," Y/n groaned, "F****CK! Get your bothers and get back to the Bullhead. I'll sort this out."

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