Chapter 72: Class As Normal

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*Y/n POV*

I stepped across the doorway, leaving my dorm behind. I checked my scroll, seeing that it was a little past 8:00am. Class begins in an hour or so, and I have papers to grade.

I walked down the hall, allowing the cold feeling of the empty hallway swallow me. It was refreshing, the open feeling of an uncrowded hallway.

Eventually, I heard footsteps walking towards me, as Articuno began walking beside me.

"Good morning, Daddy!" She said her happy tone.

"Good morning dear," I said, "How was your night?"

"I slept like a rock!" She said, "I don't know hwy, but I feel really good today!"

A smile crossed my face, as her voice sailed through my ears. Articuno always made me smile, even when she wasn't trying.

"That sounds wonderful," I mused, "Perhaps you'd be able to help me in class today?"

"I'd love to dad!"

And so Articuno joined me, as we continued our trek through the school to class.

Five minutes later, we ran into the boys. Zapdos and Moltres were both stumbling through the halls, leaning on each other, and drinking coffee. I immediately knew the two were extremely tired, since they never drank coffee.

"Good morning boys," I said, a wicked smile on my face, "Stay up late last night?"

"D-DAD!" Moltres yelled in surprise, "Um, uh, no, I went to bed at a normal time last night and slept well."

"That's great," I said, "Then you won't mind assisting me in class today? I have a lot of papers that need grading."


"And what about you Zapdos?" I said, turning to my blonde son, "How was your night?"

"Well uh," He stumbled, "It was... fine."

"Oh really?" I asked, knowing that my son was incapable of lying, "And what did you do?"

"I, uh," His voice got quiet, "...spent it with... Blake."

I chuckled a bit, as he blushed a deep red.

"Well then, both of you should join us in class," I said, beginning to walk past them, "And boys..."

"Yes dad?" They said in unison.

"Good job last night."

They both froze in surprise as I began to walk away towards my class.

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