Chapter 55: Explanations

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*Third Person POV*

"Okay," Gold said, setting his mug on his desk and looking at the two strangers, "Let's start with you, Velnas. I have you on file as Micheal Brown from Vale."

Everyone stood around Ozpin's office, with the green haired boy and Velnas in the center.

"A fake identity," Velnas said, waving his hand dismissively, "I needed to keep a low profile in order to avoid drawing attention from my father."

"So you knew he would escape from his prison?" Y/n said, "And you didn't say anything?"

"No," Velnas answered, "I knew that the daughter of Ho-oh was going to Beacon this year, and I felt like something bad was going to happen. My suspicion was just proven correct."

"You could've come forward sooner." Iris pointed out.

"If I told you that you were the daughter of the goddess of the skies and that your uncle was the god of the seas, would you believe me?"

"Point taken."

"Okay," Gold said, "Why did you come here?"

"To kill my father and nothing else," Velnas said, "In a word, revenge."

"Makes sense," Y/n said, "Not like the rest of us are any better."

"Now onto you," Gold said, turning to the green haired teen, "Who are you?"

Rather than answer the question, the boy just turned to Y/n who stared back. They stood there for a second, before the boy spoke.

"You died today," The boy said, "Or at least, you were supposed to."

"What?!" Iris yelled, "What does that mean?!"

"In my timeline," The boy answered, "Y/n died in the forest, murdered by Yveltal. Yveltal took over the entire world, killing all of you. A friend and I lead a resistance against him, before she died."

"Wait, timeline?" Velnas repeated, "But that means you can travel through time."

Y/n didn't say anything, as he walked closer to the boy. He stopped in front of him, putting his hand on his cheek and brushing his hair away.

"You look tired," Y/n said, "Celebi."

The boy, Celebi, tackled Y/n and latched onto him in a hug. He began to cry into Y/n's chest, as the latter petted the back of his head.

"B-big bro," Celebi murmured into his chest, "I-I'm so glad I have you back."

"I know, I know," Y/n comforted, "I'm here, don't worry. I'll never leave you."

"Umm," Iris said, "Hate to interrupt, but can someone explain?"

Future Celebi let go of Y/n, but quickly latched onto Iris, continuing to cry.

"I missed you so much."

When he was done, Future Celebi wiped the tears from his eyes and quieted his sniffles.

"In my timeline, Y/n was killed today," He explained, "And Yveltal went on to kill everyone else who was in the forest except for me. I escaped and found my old friend Meloetta, and we built a resistance against Yveltal. We lost, and... she died."

Y/n wrapped an arm around the future version of his brother, and wiped his eyes.

"Yveltal captured me and used me for his experiments."

"What experiments?" Winter asked.

Future Celebi looked up to Y/n, and began to cry again.

"L-Lord Darkness..." He said quietly, "When you died, your key disappeared. Yveltal tried to make up for Lord Darkness' anger by replicating the key with my power."

"Who's Lord Darkness?" Iris asked, "And what's the key?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," Y/n growled, "As long as we destroy Yveltal, we'll be fine. We cannot allow him to destroy this world."

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