Chapter 12: Heaven's Vault

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*Y/n POV*

Celebi and I prepared to leave Beacon, standing out in the courtyard.

"Ready Celebi?"


"Ok then, let's-"

"Y/n! Wait for me!" I heard someone call.

I turned around and saw Iris, running towards us.

"Oh, hello Iris," I said, "What is it?"

"I heard you guys were going somewhere, and I wanna come with."

"Where we're going is a vault that is only accessible by gods, which holds all the information in the world, for all time." I explained, "Are you sure you can make it?"

"Is that a challenge?" She smirked.

Something about what she was doing looked... familiar.


I stood in front of S/n, as she stood in front of me.

"Come on Y/n! Let's go to the vault!" She said.

"Okay, you go on ahead, I'll catch up." I answered.

"Oh come on! You're fast, but not that fast!"

I laughed, "Don't kid yourself little sis, I'm a lot faster than you are."

"Is that a challenge?"


I smirked at Iris, and spread my wings.

"You're on, kid."

She spread her wings, and we prepared to take off.

*Third Person POV*

"Ready..." Y/n said.

"Set..." Iris said.


They both took off, as a sonic boom came out from where they were.

"So... what do I do?" Celebi sighed.

He began to float up slowly, following the blue and red streaks in the sky.

With those streaks, we see Y/n and Iris, both flying vertically into the sky, with Y/n only slightly ahead.

"I'm not losing this easily!" Iris yelled.

"You don't have a choice, dear!" Y/n taunted.

Suddenly, above them, storm clouds began to form. Y/n began to glow, and transformed into his Pokemon form, and went straight into the clouds. Iris tried to follow, but there was suddenly a bright flash, and she blacked out.

*Y/n POV*

I looked back through the storms clouds I created, and my eyes went wide. Iris was struck by lightning, and was falling through the clouds.

I swooped back down, making the storm clouds disappear. I went below her and she landed on my back, as I turned back, shooting straight up.

After a few seconds of flying straight at the sun, I arrived at Heaven's Vault, which was two large golden gates in the sky. I landed on the clouds, putting Iris on the ground.

I transformed back into my human form and looked over Iris, who was completely out.

"Iris! IRIS!"

My hands were surrounded in a pink energy, as I held them over her. The energy spread to her, and she began to heal, any wounds disappearing in an instant.

I listened closely, and heard her heart beat, letting out a sigh.

"Oh thank Arceus," I said, "S/n would kill me if you got hurt."

I stood up and looked at the gates, which read, "The information within these gates lies the information of the world, compiled by Arceus, creator of all." Despite being the creator of all, Arceus knew very little about humans. So, he had us gods collect information and study aspects of human life.

I looked over the gates, looking for the lock which kept normal people, those who somehow found their way up here, out. I found the area where the lock... was supposed to be. It looked like it had been blown off.

"What the..."

I pushed the gate open, and slowly walked inside. I kept looking around, trying to find whatever destroyed the lock.

As I entered, I saw the shelves and shelves, full of relics, artifacts, and books from the past, all written, collected, and placed there by gods I once knew.

I kept walking through the shelves, reading off the names as I went along.

"Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, Darkrai, Cresselia, Kyogre, Groudon," I read, "Lugia."

I walked in, and saw all the things I had collected over the years. Most of it was just books that had washed ashore on my islands, and a few pictures of interesting events that happened in Johto. I also had a few books on how to close a pokemon's heart, creating shadow Pokemon, as a safety net in case I turned back into shadow Lugia, which turned out to be pointless.

"Ahh, memories."

I kept walked through, and ended up on the other side, where there were more shelves.

"If anyone were going to have information on humans, who would it be?"

I thought for a few minutes, before I got the answer.

"Of course she would! She loved humans!"

I walked through the shelves, and found the one I was looking for.


I smiled, as I walked into the aisle. I looked through the books, looking for any books she had on humans with strange powers.

I kept walking through the, strangely, large aisle, until I saw a section on humans with a God's Blessing, which I figured would lead me the right way. I kept walking, and then I saw something.

The entire section of the aisle had been blown up, and some books were still on fire. All that was left was a massive crater, which I jumped down into.

In the center, I found a book which seemed to be unharmed, and a picture of me, S/n, Gold, and Iris.

I picked them both up, and turned the picture over, and saw words on the back.

"I'm coming for you Y/n." I read.

*Iris POV*

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around. I was laying on clouds, and there was a giant golden gate in front of me. I sat there for a moment, and Y/n came out, he seemed worried.

"What's going on?"

"We're going back, now. You need to get to somewhere safe."

"Why? What's happening?" I said worried.

"Umm... nothing." He said, "I just have to do some more research, and I don't want you involved."

"Why not?"

He looked at me, his eyes full of worry.

"Listen, what I'm going to do is very dangerous, and I don't want you to get hurt."

He took a deep breath, and then his wings spread.

"Now, let's go."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now